View Full Version : Meguiars natural shine in engine bay?

06-21-2003, 06:03 PM
A search was unable to provide the information I wanted to know about this product, so I have a few questions that hopefully can be answered.

First, I would like to use this product in my engine bay, similar to how 303 can be used. Especially on rubber hoses, spark plug wires, aluminum, and similar parts. Now, being that I have a Supercoupe, there is high heat under my hood regularly. Will this create a safety hazard or reduce the lifespan of anything I apply it to?

Second, I would like to know what this product contains. How well does it protect from UV, does it have PDMS or DMS, and I assume it has no significant petroleum distilates.. as its white in color & milky in texture, w/o strong odor.

Lastly, is there a good source for information about what types of ingrediants are in the various products on the market? I have some working knowledge on which types of ingrediants are good and bad, but I can`t always tell which products contain what!

Thanks in advance!

06-21-2003, 08:33 PM
Here`s the best I can do:

I use Meguiar`s natural regularly to detail the interior. From my understanding, I don`t think it contains any silicone or petroleum distilliates (in fact, I don`t even think armor all contains any of that either).

But for the application that you`ll be using it in, I would suggest instead to try the S100 total cycle corrosion spray, which you can pick up at a Harley dealer. It comes in an aerosal can and you can simply spray the engine bay to help protect the components from degradation. Also, I think that if you accidently spray any of the belts, you`ll still be alright because it`s not a greasy formula like the other protectants.

But if you want to use Natural, then that`s up to you.