View Full Version : Whats the differance

06-20-2003, 11:06 PM
What is the differance between a QD and spray lube for laying.

06-21-2003, 12:58 AM
This is one of those topics that`s been hashed and rehashed here. There are lots of different opinions -- some swear by using a good wash + water as a lube; others (me among them) prefer to use the QDs that come with clay. As a trial, I went to the search page, and entered "clay+ lube + soap" as the keywords, and turned up most of the threads that I`ve found most helpful in regard to your question. I`d suggest you try that search, and read thru the threads. They`ll not only address your question about QD vs. soap-lube, but give you lots of detailed, practical tips about how to use the clay appropriately.

What clay will you use? The most popular here seem to be Mother`s, ClayMagic, and the wildly wonderful Autopia Glide + Block combo available in the Autopia store.