View Full Version : Washing with Dawn

06-20-2003, 03:55 PM
I`m going to post this question here and on PT Forum.Will Dawn dishwashing liquid used to wash my PT Turbo take off Zaino`s.They`re a little slower on PT forums in replying to questions.Again I thank all!!!

06-20-2003, 04:02 PM
I wouldn`t trust Dawn to wipe out your Zaino. It has a reputation for stripping waxes because of the high alkaline content, but I`ve found that many good waxes and synthetcis in particular stand up to it. And Zaino is really tough stuff. Claying your car would probably be the best way to get the old Zaino off...but I`m sure some of the more experienced guys will chime in here.

06-20-2003, 04:10 PM
You will need to use an abrasive, or a paint cleaner. GEPC, SEC, Mother`s Pre-Wax cleaner, #9, 3M SMR. Any of those will remove the Zaino. Dawn won`t do anything to it.

Clay will hardly touch it either. Clay is designed to remove contaminants, so it might degrade the surface of the Z a bit, but won`t remove it all.

06-20-2003, 04:41 PM

Will the Meguiars Deep Srystal system polish take it down.

06-21-2003, 08:11 AM
Whether Dawn will remove all types of wax and sealants seems to be a matter of opinion as I`ve seen many different replies to this question.

Since that is the case I opted to use Grease and Wax remover to make sure that it was clean. I`m talking about the stuff they use prior to painting that removes all chemicals so that the paint will stick. I use PPG #440 but there are many others available in auto paint stores and it`s not real expensive stuff.

06-21-2003, 08:51 AM
Yea, but what you`re saying is taking off everything including clear coat,am i reading you right.

06-21-2003, 11:14 AM
screamingdan - A belated Welcome to Autopia. You`ve alluded to your age and some physical limitations (I saw your other post), so I suggest you do the LEAST work necessary to get the job done. I`m glad to hear you`re still working at keeping your PT nice. FWIW, my father was still detailing his car (with a little help) well into his 80`s.

Dawn does NOT do much to remove sealants, but I`d wash with it this time anyhow. Won`t hurt anything and it`s cheap and effective.

The solvents like JimS is recommending WON`T remove any paint/clearcoat. They just dissolve whatever`s ON the paint, like waxes or Zaino. But it`s still extra work. An abrasive, like your polish, will also remove whatever`s on the paint, and a tiny bit of your clearcoat too (which is OK). Since your Z is 6 months old, I`m guessing the paint could do with a little polishing. The Deep Crystal system you have should work fine.

You might want to consider buying some Collinite wax. It`s quite reasonably priced and it lasts a VERY LONG time. You could put it over your Meg`s stuff. Just something to think about for next time. Long lasting products equal less work in the long run.

06-21-2003, 09:20 PM
I washed the Cruiser,started a five o`clock this afternoon,used Dawn and then used the three step Meguaries Deep Crystal and i might put another layer on next weekend.Me and my wife finished at eight thirty.Now I don`t have Zaino.s on it anymore and now I`m free to use products off the shelf,don`t have to order anything by email and pay extra shipping.Might just try S100.from Harley D.Thanks abunch,got some good thoughts from some good people on Autopia.Also Sam Zaino emailed me today and told me to just go ahead and put wax like Meguiares over Z-2 and it would work just fine.Good people here,added it to my favorites list.