View Full Version : Which is quicker.....QD or Wash and Dry?

06-20-2003, 10:22 AM
Last night, my car was essentially clean, but it had some rain spots from a light sprinkle during the day.

I QD`d the entire exterior and it took an hour! (including chrome wheels)....

Two nights ago, I did a wash (Z7) and dry and it took about the same time.

Which is quicker for you? QD or Wash & Dry?...

06-20-2003, 11:51 AM
I used to QD, but now that I have been led to the light of QEW, I wash with QEW. Better results than just QD`ing, and just as fast. I feel better that I have cleaned the whole car without having to worry about scratching. If it`s just spot or panel cleaning, I`ll use QD, but if I have to do the whole car, it`s QEW every time.

MBZ 500E
06-20-2003, 01:25 PM
Definitely QD for me.

The hardest part of washing a car is drying the water that gets into the trim, bumpers, door jambs, trunk and lighting crevices. I also have to reapply the rubber/plastic protectants which usually dilute with water. The other problem I seem to have is preventing any swirls from occuring during the washing process. That means another coat of polish and wax. So now I`m about 3 - 4 hours into cleaning my car. :confused: :scared

After a drive I usually wipe/dust the interior, dust the exterior, dust engine bay, clean windows and QD the whole exterior. 1.5 hours by the time the wheels are done.:xyxthumbs

06-20-2003, 01:46 PM
QEW is the greatest product ever.If you use it one time you`ll be hooked.I used to QD often but since I was turned on to QEW I can wash the entire car in the same (or less) time that it takes to QD. I have a system down now where I can do the whole car in like 10 - 15 minutes. Then I can put a fresh coat of S100 on in like 15 minutes and in like 25 - 30 minutes I have done a more complete job than just QD alone.

06-20-2003, 01:57 PM
For me, QDing is still faster, but I don`t do the wheels and sometimes skip the lower panels. I would probably QEW more often if it didn`t take me so long to get everything together and put it away. :p With QD I just whip out my CCD, QD, and MF and put put them back in the corner when I`m done (and put the MF in the "dirty MF bucket").

Cleanmaxx Brian
06-20-2003, 02:05 PM
OK I give...what is QEW?:confused:

06-20-2003, 02:39 PM
Protect All Quick and Easy Wash - it is a low water use wash product (no hose required)

06-20-2003, 02:51 PM
QD is much faster for me. It takes me nearly 2 hours of careful washing to wash the car. It takes me about 30-45 minutes to dust off the car and QD. But lately, I`ve just let the car get dirty for a week or two and then just washing it.

06-20-2003, 04:02 PM
David says it for us.


06-20-2003, 10:47 PM
It depends on how dirty the car is. If it`s just water spots, a QD is faster. If the car needs a good cleaning, I wash and dry which takes longer and I usually end up doing a QD also, which takes even more time.:D

06-21-2003, 07:42 AM
I Spray & Wipe......much faster than washing/drying and no water in the window fuzzies for the next 24 hrs!, no water dripping from the mirrors, no hose, no bucket. I use Spray and Wipe almost daily and wash only when I have had to drive in a storm or if it`s time to pressure wash the undercarraige.