View Full Version : Using AIO on other surfaces

06-19-2003, 09:05 PM
Is it ok to use AIO for cleaning rubber and protecting it? Like rubber and plastic trim not tires. Is it ok to use SG for plastic trim?

06-19-2003, 10:01 PM
Eeeeek... No. AIO is for the outside of your car. You can use it on chrome bumpers or wheels but that is about as far as I would go with it other than just on the paint. For plastic and rubber there are far safer products out there. AIO is pretty high in whatever solvents it has in it. I can`t say that I would trust it on rubber or plastic. Use a product that was meant for rubber and plastic. You can use it on painted plastic trim but I wouldn`t go beyond that. Definitely not on rubber. What areas of your car are you thinking about trying it on?

06-19-2003, 10:40 PM
Well I was just thinking of SGing plastic trim.

06-20-2003, 10:11 AM
OK, flamesuit on. This is a topic where I`m on the "wrong" side of the fence, relative to the conventional wisdom. Normal "just my experience" disclaimers, etc.

I use AIO and SG on the plastic trim on MANY of my vehicles. The black textured cladding on the rockers of my WRX, the black textured plastic on the MPV, you name it. I also use it on the rubber protective pieces on the rear bumpercovers of the WRX and MPV. It`s working great for me. BTW, YoSteve uses it on the textured trim on his VW.

To help in removing the SG, I use a MF, slightly damp with #34 and/or a pretty soft detail brush (soft enough that it won`t marr the plastic).

I especially like using AIO to clean the black plastic trim on the Audis (like the grill and along the bottom of the bumper covers) and the black plastic sail panels on the XJS, all of which I then top with BFII.

Another product to consider is VM. It even SAYS it`s OK for this application on the bottle. Now whether you want to trust the label statements is ANOTHER topic...but it seems to work OK.

06-20-2003, 10:27 AM
I`m with Accumulator on this one. I use AIO on exterior plastic ALL the time and the results are incredible. I use it on clear headlight and tailight covers too. Works wonders on glass. Blows away Autoglym glass polish IMHO. It blows away Black Again or any other cleaner, protectant for plastic IMHO. AIO doesn`t wash off like a spary protectant. I`ll have to try the BFII tip that Accumulator does.

I`ve used it on rubber parts of bumpers also with incredible results. Mind you, the rubber was rock hard and not soft.

I follow up any trim I use AIO on with a little QD or 303 or #40 depending on what I feel like.

Never had a problem on plastic or hard rubber (NOT TIRES!).

06-21-2003, 01:21 PM
Thats good to hear! I will be trying AIO and SG on my trim and can`t wait to see the results!:bounce

06-21-2003, 02:07 PM
Another question popped up. When using AIO on plastic or rubber trim do you use a damp mf applicator or cloth or just a dry one?