View Full Version : 1st Post..and of course its some questions :)

06-18-2003, 05:36 AM
I have been a member for a few months now and have lurked the board for Mucho Grande`! information. I know how to use the search tool and yes I have attempted its use on my questions....LOL so please dont bark/woof/meow or whatever the heck you guys call it at me please........

Explination) I got my car repainted 3 months ago *here comes the cringes from many* flake Forrest Green. Lemme explain: a black coat is first placed on the car, then metal flakes are mixed with clear coat and sprayed on the car to give the appearnace of a total green car with a lot of sparkle. I suppose its a bit ghetto to some, but honestly its very nice and looks very pleasing...not like the candy apple crap, or equivalents *ill post a pic if you guys would like*

But my problem kind of lies in the fact that the paint isnt exactly perfectly smooth. I mean to the hand of course its perfect, but of course when looking at the car at close intervals you can see the depth difference of many of the flakes spread around from the 4 different layers of clearcoat/Flakes that were spread.

My question is what wax would you guys recommend to get the most liquidity and depthness out of this color. Reflextion is not very important as its hard to get a good reflection of anything in flakes! as different angles of light hit each flake differently....I am currently using the Menzerna final polish with a PC 7224 white foam CMS pad, and then Liquid Souvern Wax on top of that and the car looks deep and rich but i want my 200sx to glimmer like no other "like everyone does." What do you guys reccommend and why?

2) I have searched but dont really understand the differences between paste and liquid wax....I hand wax my car and was wondering if I would get better results from paste? I am currently using liquid and in fact I have never used or seen a paste. Is there much difference? :confused:

3) What is the best applicator for applying wax: obviously this is a personal preferance question, but the yellow foam thingies just dont seem great to me...Is there something better? that works!

Okay I think that takes up my concerns for the momment. Sorry if my post is long, but please try and help me

Thank you guys for all the info over the past few months, my car looks better now than it ever did in the past thx to you guys!


06-18-2003, 09:56 AM

1) Have you tried the Souveran paste? I seemed to get a better result than with the liquid. If price is a concern than go with P21S, I haven`t found anything that looks better for the money. I`m not an expert on the difference between paste and liquid, but I always understood paste to contain more carnauba wax. At a point, they can`t add any more and keep it in liquid form...but I may be wrong (If you`re using a synthetic, then none of this applies). I enjoy paste wax when doing it by hand anyway...I end up putting on a thinner layer and using less wax in all when I use a paste. Make sure to experiment with your polish as well...once you find the right combo, you`ll know.

2) If I am using a paste wax, then I have to have a foam applicator...again to help me use less wax. Make sure to give your applicator a shot or two of QD, it makes a big difference. If I am using a liquid, I normally use my PC..but for things like Klasse, I always use a slighty damp microfiber applicator.

06-18-2003, 11:57 AM
sempsis101- Welcome to Autopia! I think your paint sounds great, and I`m a pretty conservative guy, car-appearance wise! Please DO post a pic.

I THINK I know what look you`re after. I`m not all that familiar with dark colors these days but I HAVE had some cool green metallics. I THINK you`d like the look my wife prefers on her Audi. My $0.02:

Use something that is quite "optically transparent". NOT Z though, I think it would be SO reflective that it would diminish the "special" look of your paint job, which is what you want to ACCENTUATE. NOT BFII either, it tends to make a finish look darker. I don`t think the Klasse twins would give you the right look either, too plasticy.

Something with a little synthetic in it will help bring out your metal flake look. Like PPG. The actual combo I use on my wife`s car (which *I* would use on yours) is Pinnacle Creme Glaze

("CG", super-mild, virtually NON-abrasive "cleaner wax" with high synthetic content) topped with 3M showcar paste (or you could use PPG). Replenish the 3M/PPG from time to time, when it doesn`t "look right" redo with the CG (which is as easy to use as a product can be, especially by PC) first.

Topping with P21S is another option, but somehow I think the base of CG would be a good idea no matter WHAT you top with.

As to the two forms of waxes, generally, you`re gonna get better results with pastes than with liquids. Fewer solvents can equal more "active/desired ingredients". I`m confident you would notice a difference. Pastes really are the way to go for the final wax layer.

For wax application, most of us DO just use the round yellow foam pads. If you want something more special, Griot`s garage offers a number of foam pads for wax application. I don`t find them any better functionally, but you might like them better.

Scott P
06-18-2003, 12:08 PM
I agree that many of the synthetics may give a plastic look to your car. You need something to draw out the metallic flakes. I would go with a base of Vanilla Moose and top it with something like S100. You’ll get great depth and richness. That’s what I think you’ll want to shoot for. Keep it maintained with some Quik Shine and you’ll be all set.

In regards to pads, I really like the Viking Comfort Grip or ‘doorknob’ foam apps. I find them much more comfortable to use.

06-18-2003, 12:16 PM
Liquidity and depthness/ try a glaze like Meg #7, Mothers sealer glaze , IHG then top with your favorite wax.

good luck

06-19-2003, 05:47 AM
Thank you everyone, especially Accumulator for your detail about specific products....I`ll take a look into those products and make some decisions :) Here is a pick of my car from about 2 months ago....looks a lot better now that I have my PC :xyxthumbs

This is my first picture on a board so I hope this works...

06-19-2003, 06:28 AM
Okay next question...LOL

It doesn`t seem that Pinnacle still sells the Creme Glaze anymore...at least they dont on their own site, is Pinnacle Paintwork Cleansing Lotion the same thing? if not where can I pick up some CG?



06-19-2003, 10:56 AM
So much for MY suggestion, the CG isn`t available any more :(

Gee, I`m REALLY out of date here..the guy I spoke with at CMA didn`t even know what I was talking about! OK..rethinking this..no more CG changes things.

sempsis101- thanks for posting the pic, cool paintjob and now I KNOW what we`re talking about. The PPCL is different, it`s just a cleaner. Good stuff, though.

I currently have the VM/P21S combo on my XJS and it`s not bad, BUT you probably don`t need the aggressiveness of the VM. I DO wonder about P21S vs. PPG, though. I`d still lean towards the PPG given all your metalflake.

I haven`t tried it, but maybe Poorboy`s EX topped with PG/P21S.

A quick answer might be to simply try some PG over top of your liquid Souveran or even by itself. Especially as I keep getting back to PG no matter what it`s over.

06-19-2003, 12:12 PM
My choice is the Poorboys Ex. It has carnuba in it and I`m quite happy with it.