View Full Version : SEC or VMW before Klasse AIO?

Kyle K.
06-17-2003, 08:16 PM
Are S100 SEC or VMW abrasive enough to actually leave noticeable results when topped with Klasse AIO and their oils are removed? I`m trying to find a step to go before AIO to clean up the paint a bit but don`t want to go all the way to DACP. Would Swirl Free be a good option?


06-18-2003, 11:08 AM
Kyle K. - Depends what you`re trying to accomplish with them. I didn`t find either the SEC (GEPC, actually) or the VM to be very abrasive. Although others have had good results using VM for swirl removal, it didn`t do much along those lines for me. Just too mild. I haven`t tried the SFP, but others are pleased with it. I`m currently using PI-III (#05937). Mild but effective, no fillers.