View Full Version : I`m a newbie on a mission...but I need help!

06-15-2003, 01:02 AM
Hi all...I stumbled across this forum on my pursuit to rid my car of swirl marks.

Not another swirl mark post right? hehe...

Well I purchased the Zaino Detailing Kit to rid myself of the swirl marks, but reading the forum today I`ve learned that the Z5 does not remove swirl marks already in place.

My car is a black Ford Escape, and I plan on doing everything by hand since it is my first time and I figure I can wait off on a PC. I was wondering if I could somehow add the swirl remover for dark cars into the preparation of the Zaino, and if I did...where would it go in the whole process? I know preparation is the key with Zaino and this is why I ask...

Please help me rid my black car of swirls!

Thanks in advance.

06-15-2003, 01:24 AM
A search for "hand polishing" might help. Or "Swirl Removal Hand"

How bad are your swirls? If you work it by hand be ready to have an all day work-in-athon.

I would get some 3M PI III Extra Cut Rubbing Compound if you have some nasty swirls, or 3M PI III Rubbing Compound if you have moderate swirls, then some 3M PI III Machine Glaze to follow up the Rubbing Compound.

So I would

1. Wash the car with a regular car wash shampoo

2. Clay

3. Polish with rubbing compound/machine glaze (make sure you wipe dwon each area with a 50/50 mix of alcohol to water to ensure swirl removal.)

4. Dawn wash (heck you can wash with Z7 or Qd with Z6 but I like to start things off on the right track and get the Zaino to have a good base.)

5. Zaino away.

06-15-2003, 08:47 AM
I am interested in Zaino as well, how does this stuff work go on etc.? Anybody got any pointers on using it!?


06-15-2003, 09:10 AM
Originally posted by DopeCelicaGT

I am interested in Zaino as well, how does this stuff work go on etc.? Anybody got any pointers on using it!?



This site has an extensive archive and the search function is very good. You will find a wealth of information and several great threads on Zaino by doing a search. Not that anyone hear discourages asking questions but, you will find much more information on Zaino in a search than could be re-hashed here in the same amount of time it would take to do a search and read the threads :)

With a black car you might want to re-consider a PC. Swirl removal by hand is something I tremble with fear at the thought of now that I have a PC. They really are not that diccicult to learn and are pretty safe to use on your paint.

06-15-2003, 02:41 PM
I second Jason`s advice, although I personally don`t know anything about the products he suggests for polishing. :) What you use is dependant on how bad the swirls are of course, so some other suggested products may be the more common PI II Fine Cut Compound or FI SMR (both by 3M). The latter is interchangable with Meguiar`s #9, but either of these will probably only help with the very lightest swirls. DACP (search) is in between the Fine Cut and SMR/#9 in strength I have heard. It`s hard work by hand, so be sure to budget lots of time and energy to do it properly.

And as said, run those searches..... ;)