View Full Version : GEPC/SEPC application tips

06-13-2003, 06:16 PM
Does anyone use a PC to apply GEPC/SEPC. It seems like it`s more a glaze and has very minor abrasives in it. I used this stuff last week but it was of a rub in with the applicator and then wipe off with the MF. Topped it with P21S wax and what a shine. The depth was great also.

I may just use the RO with the GEPC/SEPC next week and see is there any huge results. I was impressed already with just the wipe on/wipe off.

06-13-2003, 06:35 PM
I`ve used it several times, and used the PC every time (white polishing pad, moderate speed); worked great. Call me lazy, but if I have a chance to use a power tool rather than doing something by hand . . . well, point me to the outlet.


06-13-2003, 06:42 PM
I`m with Tortoise on this one. A glaze is just so much more easier to use by RO than by hand.

I used P21S paintwork cleanser on the black Thunderbird with the PC and a white polishing pad at speed 3.5-4. Minimal to no pressure, just gliding the glaze back and forth until hazey but not powder dry. Then buffed off and follwoed by a hand application of P21S wax.

The speed yellow Mustang was the same procedure but with the Pinnacle line (Pinnacle Paintwork cleansing lotion and Pinnacle Souveran paste wax.)



I`m all about using the PC and a foam polishing or finishing pad with the PC to bring out the gloss in a finish. I tried by hand but it just takes too long and doesn`t get the results I expect.

06-13-2003, 07:36 PM
When applying GEPC/SEPC with the PC do you only do one panel at a time before buffing or can you do the whole car before buffing.

06-13-2003, 07:51 PM
I apply it to a panel at a time and remove. I just don`t want the GEPC or SEPC to dry. I`ve heard it can be a PIA to buff out if let to dry, but I never experienced the stuff drying before.

06-13-2003, 07:52 PM
I work one panel at a time until it looks like I`m pushing a light haze around.

Buff dry with a MF, take a sip of something cold and move on to the next panel.

Good luck.

06-18-2003, 10:41 AM
The only way I`ve applied GEPC is with a PC. Like Tortoise and Jason, 1 panel at a time at moderate speed.

06-18-2003, 10:51 AM
I`ve used it by hand and with my PC. One panel at a time either way and I always mist the pad with a little water every now and then.

06-19-2003, 02:54 PM
I`ve used it both ways and must say that applying with the PC is much faster. The only thing is that I seem to use way too much product when I apply it with the PC.

Does anyone have a suggestion that will help me use less product when applying SEC by PC?

06-19-2003, 02:59 PM
As fuggedit said, spray the pad with a little bit of distilled water will help cut back on the use of SEC.

I also like to put a quarter sized dab on the pad and spread it around with my finger, more than enough for half a normal sized hood.

As you keep applying it to the car, the pad should load up and you use less and less.

06-19-2003, 03:11 PM
Thanks Jason. I`ll try that this weekend.