View Full Version : NewB First time help please

06-13-2003, 08:59 AM
I have just ordered some Klasse AIO, Autopia glide, block and waffle kit, some buffing towels (Autopia), and aquired some S100 wax from the local Harley shop.

I plan on

1. Washing

2. Clay

3. AIO

4. S100

I do have some swirls that concern me though. Do I need to add in a megs#9 or something else in here? And if so, what step should it be at?

I also have some megs step2 cleaner wax. But the AIO should replace that correct?

I will be doing this all by hand too.




06-13-2003, 10:48 AM
The #9 should help your swirls. If they are hard to get out, you might try some Scratch-X or #2, the #2 is the most abrasive of the two. As for the AIO, yes, it will replace the cleaner wax. Since you are doing everything by hand, I would suggest using terry applicators for the swirl remover.

06-13-2003, 11:15 AM
Use the swirl remover before or after AIO?

06-13-2003, 02:50 PM
Use the #9 after claying. Polishes like #9 only need to be used if needed. Follow #9 up with AIO which is a finer polish and you will want the extra protection of the AIO besides this. Doing it the other way around is backwards abrasive-wise and would remove the AIO acrylic protection.