View Full Version : Meguiar`s Premium Paint Protection Layering?

06-12-2003, 08:45 PM
Can I layer MPPP? I`m not interested in depth of color. I only want protection for a trip to the Milwaukee area. Last time I was there, I got some industrial fallout crap on the hood and top of a new black Bronco. ( I haven`t been back since 1990.) Right now I have two coats of MPPP on the hood and top of my new black Ram pickup and one coat on the sides and tailgate. Should I apply a second coat to the sides and tailgate. I really don`t want to spend a whole lot more time applying MPPP because I plan to do a Blackfire detail when I get back to the wide open spaces of Nebraska.What are your suggestions? I`m an "old guy" who can`t waste his energy.

Tom :cool:

Tim Lingor
06-12-2003, 08:53 PM

I just looked in my Meguiar`s Pro catalog. It does say in it that MPPP does clean the paint. I would say that it has only mild cleaners; again to clean the surface lightly for the bonding process. Therefore, it may take off some of the previous coat of wax, but I doubt all of it. It would not hurt to add another coat if it has been a while since the last coat and to insure total coverage. Better safe than sorry!!!

But if you really want to know, you should PM Mike Phillips from Meguiar`s (he is a member on this forum). If anyone knows this answer, it would be him!


06-13-2003, 12:13 AM
QD frequently...............

06-14-2003, 09:48 AM
I applied the second coat of MPPP just to be sure. The truck is looking great. Maybe I should stick with MPPP rather than even trying the Blackfire. Has anyone done a comparison of the two products? The one step process of MPPP is rather appealing to me. MPPP has a tad bit of cleaner in it and I think this might be a "+ " for me, because my "toys" get grubby so often.

Tom :cool:

Tim Lingor
06-14-2003, 12:17 PM
Hi Tom,

I would honestly stick to MPPP!! It is an excellent product!!

Here is a link to a thread where Mike Phillips, the guru of Meguiar`s, discusses the benefits of MPPP.


Take care,


06-14-2003, 02:36 PM

Thanks for the information. What should I do with the Blackfire that I have on my garage shelf? I guess that it wouldn`t hurt to give it a try.

There have been some pretty positive posts about Blackfire and the folks at CMA "love it" of course. And they do sell MPPP, but don`t make as much off of it. When I ordered the Blackfire, I didn`t know that it was THEIR product.

It`s rather hard to sort all of this out. I think that I was better off before I ever heard of Blackfire, Zaino, etc.

I just want a durable wax/sealant that is realitively easy to use and will give a deep, swirl free shine on black vehicles.

Tom :cool:

06-14-2003, 02:47 PM
try using MPPP as a base then topping some BF on top of it to try out instead of having unused product sitting on the shelf. thats what I would do, you never know if you would like the BF`s shine.

Tim Lingor
06-14-2003, 04:08 PM
Hi Tom,

I would not layer anything on top of the MPPP. It is my understanding that MPPP contains a certain properties that prevents dust build up on your paint. Therefore, layering it, you might lose this added advantage.

I sent you a PM. Let me know if you do not receive it.

I hope this helps!!
