View Full Version : Stumped, Need Advice

06-12-2003, 04:57 PM
I`m trying to help a friend with an older Acura Integra, red. It has heavy oxidation on the rear deck and hood from the sun.

I used Griot`s number 1 polish and my PC yesterday and went over it several times. There is a slight improvement but still far from great.

Any suggestions on what I try next? The number 3 was the most aggressive polish I have.

All input appreciated.

06-12-2003, 05:04 PM
I don`t know what Honda uses for paint but their red seems to be the worst with oxidation. Check out this thread (http://www.autopia.org/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=23482). I love using Klasse for oxidation and especially on red. I have some pictures somewhere of milano red after Klasse. I`ll have to find it somewhere. Klasse is not an abrasive product and for some reason it is just really effective on oxidation.


That gives you an idea of what this stuff is capable of. Its really sweet stuff. :bigups :bow :bow

06-12-2003, 05:15 PM
I got similar results as Jngrbrdman, but it was on a `91 Miata, and I used DACP.

Did you use a polishing pad, or a cutting pad? I was able to use a polishing pad with DACP to remove the oxidation, but you might want to try a cutting pad too.

06-12-2003, 05:22 PM
I used a cutting pad becuase the AIO grips to the oxidation and a polishing pad tends to fall apart when you try to use it. The foam just isn`t firm enough I guess. I use either a yellow pad or Meguiar`s purple pad for AIO on beasts like that truck. Normally just the yellow pad is all I need. I do it by hand if the surface is already in good shape. No point in using a canon to kill a mosquito, ya know?

06-12-2003, 05:24 PM
Yeah, I know what you mean. I think even a cleanser like SEC, or one I have experience with, Mother`s Pre-Wax cleaner, takes care of oxidation, as long as it is done right.

06-12-2003, 06:45 PM
Valkmike, I`m a bit confused. Not being a Griots user I looked up the polish grades and it seems Griot`s Polish 1 is actually the strongest, and the Polish 3 the gentlest. Which one did you use? What type of pad (cutting/polishing/etc) did you use too?

PS: Welcome to Autopia! :welcome

06-12-2003, 09:55 PM
4DSC Yes, you`re correct No. 1 is the strongest, and that`s the one I used. Had a polishing pad on the PC and used slow to moderate speeds. The results were not what I had hoped for.

BTW this is the first time I`ve used the Griot`s products.

Tim Lingor
06-12-2003, 09:59 PM

I would try DACP on either a Meg`s yellow polishing pad first or if needed Meg`s maroon cutting pad. The one thing that I noticed is that you used slow speeds. I would do the opposite!! Speed up to #5 on the PC when compounding and slow down to 4-5 when polishing. Make sure to work the product until only a fine dust residue is left.


06-13-2003, 11:14 AM
valkmike - Long-time Griot`s Machine Polish user here, switching to 3M, BTW, as I use up the last of my Griot`s. I understand your frustration, those polishes, used with Griot`s pads, can seem like a real waste of time. MP#1 is NOT all that aggressive, despite what GG`s says (their previous formulation was a lot more abrasive). AND if you`re using it with Griot`s orange pad it might not do much at all. Using it with a real CUTTING pad (Meg`s purple or CMA/Lake/TOL yellow) helps quite a bit. Dampening the cutting pad with water helps a little more. Also, crank up the speed. I don`t hesitate to use speed 6 with the GG MP`s- no problems. BTW, I usually use a damp cutting pad for MOST of my work with MP#2 also, with just a quick pass with a less aggressive pad as a follow-up. And as 2hotford said, always work it sufficiently.

06-13-2003, 11:54 AM
Thanks for the feedback, I`ll try your suggestions and let you know how it worked out.

06-13-2003, 12:15 PM
There might be underlying paint defects. If you made a couple of passes and it doesnt come up, then it might have an inferior repaint. Is the paint checked or cracked?

06-13-2003, 01:07 PM
There are no cracks in the paint, just very discolored and `bleached out`. You may be correct about a paint defect but it definetly looks like oxidation. I tried the polish and applied wax, it buffs up with a gloss but there is no color definition in these areas.

06-13-2003, 02:59 PM
Originally posted by Accumulator

valkmike - Long-time Griot`s Machine Polish user here, switching to 3M, BTW, as I use up the last of my Griot`s. I understand your frustration, those polishes, used with Griot`s pads, can seem like a real waste of time. MP#1 is NOT all that aggressive, despite what GG`s says... Gee thanks Accumulator :), I had read the Griot`s description of #1 and I was left scratching my head a bit as to why nothing was happening...