View Full Version : Envirotrend MF`s Recommends boilg thier MF`s , sound strange?

06-10-2003, 08:57 PM
Has anyone ever heard of this company Envirotrend? They have some really good cleaning MF`s. They also have a suede style polishing cloth for detailing, very soft and very good. I have a few for all purpose cleaning, a few for glass, and a couple for deatailng my beasts They are really fantastic. I recommend them highly

For those interested they can be found here:


I use them both for cleaning the interior of my beasts. as well as a host of other cleaning jobs around the house. They leave a sparkly clean, streak free surface. All with simple water, no chemicals.

The oddest thing is for the initial treatment of the cloths, they recommend boiling them for a few minutes initially. and every few months as needed. They claim it activates the fibers. I don`t quite understand that, however I use tham for ALL cleaning jobs and have found them to be the best cleaning cloth I have ever used!

Anyone else???

Bruce:bounce :bounce :bounce :bounce :bounce :bounce

Mr. Clean
06-10-2003, 09:15 PM
Perhaps DFTowel can provide some insight into the reasoning behind those directions. He is one of our textile experts.

06-10-2003, 10:40 PM
"...they recommend boiling them for a few minutes initially... They claim it activates the fibers..."

Just when I think I`ve heard it all, along comes another good one! Boiling to activate fibers? This makes no sense at all. That claim alone would make me question any of their claims.

Now, technically you can wash polyester or nylon microfiber in hot water as household hot water is not hot enough to melt the fibers but I would never boil them! That may melt some fiber or sewing thread causing hard globules that will scratch the hell out of our car.

06-10-2003, 10:45 PM
I have to agree with DFT...us NYer stick together:lol:

Boiling ...polyester???? are you kidding :nono

activate...it`s freaking cloth...what`s to activate:nixweiss

well i guess it`s a way to shorten their life so you have to buy more:rolleyes:

Mr. Clean
06-10-2003, 11:43 PM

Somehow I knew you could lead us to the light.:D

Thanks again.:up

06-11-2003, 01:24 AM
I remember this kind of instruction for MF. It was brought up months ago with some kind of MF towel from Wal Mart, probably the same brand.

I raised this question a while ago too in the bottom 3rd of this thread: http://www.autopia.org/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=22511&highlight=boiling

In the past people have always recommended warm to luke warm to cold water and were pretty adamant about it.... I`m curious what you guys think about what I`d found? :nixweiss

PS: following that post I`m pretty sure my towels have improved in performance after washing them in the hot cycle instead of the warm cycle.

06-11-2003, 08:05 AM
Originally posted by 4DSC

PS: following that post I`m pretty sure my towels have improved in performance after washing them in the hot cycle instead of the warm cycle.

I can`t speak for each manufacturer`s washing instructions but I can say this... washing in hot water is always better than cold IF the manufacturer doesn`t warn against it. Most fabrics can easily tolerate household hot water, most of the time there are only two reasons to use cold... avoiding shrinkage or color running. Hot water will clean and lift adhered matter much better than cold. Wash your dirty dishes in cold water and see how fast you go back to hot!

06-11-2003, 12:14 PM
Thanks, and happy birthday! :D :wavey

06-11-2003, 01:16 PM
This manufacturer specifically recommends very warm to hot water fort all cleaning applications. "the hotter the better". I can`t make heads or tails out of the boiling regiment either.

They DON"T recommend boiling, or using hot water for the car detail cloth, just the all purpose and glass cloths. I can tell you this:

An unboiled glass cloth streaks the glass, a boiled one does not , GO FIGURE!

Anyway, I think as far as cleaning cloths go these are the best I`ve ever used. This does not apply to detailing just general cleaning.

I thought the boiling thing would spark some debate and I was right!
