View Full Version : PC Pad Care and Cleaning

06-10-2003, 04:21 PM
Hey guys, I`ve had my pads in storage for a bit and only really used them a few times. How should I take care of them? I`ve just got a couple CMA white and orange pads. So far, all I`ve done is hand wash them with dawn, spin dry them with the PC and then let the air dry. They don`t seem to get all the way clean washing them this way. Can I wash these in the washing machine? I bought the little cleaning tool from CMA, but after reading the directions fifty times, I still am clueless on how and when to use it. Are there any videos of someone using it?

06-10-2003, 04:27 PM
My boyfriend throws his in the washing machine and when we detailed a red porsche with no clear coat, all the dead paint came out of them and they looked new again. After that we usually throw them in the drier on Airfluff or just lay them out to air dry. As for the cleaning tool from CMA, never used it.

06-10-2003, 06:24 PM
I`m not sure if I`d try to use the pad spur on them with the PC. Someone damaged his pads a bit and put "tracks" in the pad by doing this. I think spurring is only for when you use the pads on rotaries.

The last time I cleaned (a whole bunch!) of pads I soaked them in a tub overnight in deteregent, then rinsed them out and worked at them a while in the sink. They came out pretty clean I suppose. I think those CMA pads you have are okay to machine wash, but check on their website first.

06-10-2003, 06:47 PM
i`ve only used mine 2-3 times so far (#4 this weekend on a lexus, wohoo!) and clean them within 24 hours or so by hand. Like 4DSC, soak it it warm water, use some detergent, no brushes or anything, wring it some by pushing down on the pad, and let it air dry. Works for me :).

06-10-2003, 06:57 PM
same here, 2 time use so far. Hand wash with warm water/detergent. I can clean Meg`s & CMA polishing pad really good. But the CMA cutting pad seems to be hard to hand wash.

06-10-2003, 07:26 PM
I wouldn`t waste your time washing by hand. I wash mine in the washer with ALL detergent....the free clear version....this is what we use to wash my 6mo. old baby boys clothes. My pads are from CMA....2 white, 2 yellow, 2 black....never had a problem with bleeding...they come out perfect......much better than by hand. :)

06-11-2003, 11:51 AM
check this (http://www.lakecountrymfg.com/padclean.html) out.

06-11-2003, 02:59 PM
My megs marron pads have been thru probably 20 or so vehicles and still going strong despite the velcro `problem`.

I just wash mine in warm water with liquid soap and rinse em out.

Either let em air dry or if your cleaning mid-detail a quick spin dry with the PC works a treat.

06-11-2003, 03:44 PM
I throw my Griots pads in the washing machine and set it to do a second rinse. Pads come out pretty clean and I have not seen any damage to them as a result. If you`re paranoid, use the gentle cycle. I don`t see much benefit in hand washing them, and I find that they come out much cleaner than I can reasonably get them by hand. In fact, given how much wringing I have to do when washing them by hand, I would even venture to say that the machine is safer than hand washing for foam pads.

I let them air dry.

06-11-2003, 03:46 PM
That`s a great point about wringing them!