View Full Version : "Auto Reconditioning" at VOC school

06-09-2003, 04:13 PM
Would you believe they teach Auto detailing at my Daughter`s tech school!:xyxthumbs I keep seeing B-E-U-T-I-F-U-L cars everyday outside this particular door. So I asked her. She said "Oh that the detailing shop.People bring the cars in for the students to work on"It is completly seperate from the "Auto body shop". I am trying to get the nerve up and walk over to the teacher and ask if I can join his class :D . Seriously I am going to talk to him and let him know I highly approve. Plus maybe he can give me a few pointers?:nixweiss

Oh by the way, My Daughter is taking Carpentry. She made High Honors this year (Freshman) in both academics and shop.

06-09-2003, 04:52 PM
Do you really want to put your car in the hands of inexperienced people and allow your car to be the "guinea pig" they learn on (and make mistakes on). Not a good idea. When training staff they never get to buff a panel on a car until they can buff an old junker hood I keep for them to practice on.

06-09-2003, 05:07 PM
Some people see it as a `bargain` way to get their car cleaned.

Its like when folks compare our $25 hand wash to the local $8 AutoScratch drive thru wash.

Some people just don`t get it I`m afraid.