View Full Version : 1st time PC user exp.

06-09-2003, 12:21 PM
I finally got a chance to use my PC on my 13 yr old 240sx

The results are better than expected - thanks to all the help i got here and im sure it will and can be only better with experience.

I spen 4 hours or so cleaning and buffing and waxing.....

Question ??

1. Some say move from left to right and some say diagonally - which is preferred ??

2. Should i see the back of the hook and lopp pad rotating as i use the PC . If i use some force the visual effect of it is stationary - does that mean im pressing too hard or is it just visual effect.

3. do you apply wax and keep the pc on till all the strokes does not have (or very little) wax residue left behind. Or do i leave it dry and MF buff it off

06-09-2003, 07:13 PM

2= ? IIRC the PC is rotating the pad as well as spinning it which is why it is not RPM`s but OPM`s

3= I think that would be polish that you work in until its almost gone not wax.

But then again I am a Newbie myself

06-09-2003, 07:17 PM
2) Some people polish with the PC and press down really hard (stopping any spinning), but others just use the weight of the machine. :nixweiss I`m lazy and was doing okay without pressure so that`s how I do it right now. :p