View Full Version : Separating towels before washing

06-09-2003, 06:16 AM
I did a few searches on this subject, but still didn`t find exactly what I looking for.

I need to wash all my MF,terry and drying towels. I use Vinylex,on one towel,QD on others, AIO SG S100 SEC on others, glass cleaner and Rain-x on others. Can I just throw everything in the wash together? I will be using Tide, Warm water, double rinse with NO fabric sheets or bleach.:nixweiss

06-09-2003, 06:39 AM
I wash my MF`s by themselves...

06-09-2003, 07:00 AM
Just wash your MF towels by themselves so they don`t pick up lint from any cotton towels, etc. I throw all of mine in together no matter what i used them for. I usually add a few squirts of the ever populare Dawn dish soap in with the Tide as well. Figure the Dawn will help get rid of anything the Tide doesn`t. I usally run them thru an entire wash rinse cyle again without using any soap to make sure i get all the soap residue out of them.

06-09-2003, 10:12 AM
jonw440- As others have said, DO NOT wash the MF`s and cotton towels together.

I`m guessing that you`re worrying that some of the products like Vinylex will "contaminate" the towels used on your paint, glass, etc. I sometimes wonder about that too, so if it seems likely, I`ll wash the "slimy product" towels separately, using hot water. Some people wash "abrasive product" towels separate from "wax/sealant product" towels, but I`ve never had a problem doing them all together.

06-09-2003, 10:23 AM
If I have MFs that I have used for dressings I soak them overnight in a bucket of hot water and Dawn. After that, all of my MFs go in the washer on hot. I have never had any contamination problems.

Scott P
06-09-2003, 12:00 PM
I wash my Vinylex/CK Tire Treatment/Lexol towels separate from the rest of my MF towels. All of my towels get a good soaking in soapy hot watter before being put into the washer. I plan on buy a used washer one of these days to minimize and wax or other stuff from leaching onto clothes when they get around to being washed.

06-09-2003, 12:44 PM
I wash towels I use on the paint separately from the towels I use on other parts of the car. NEVER wash towels you use on the really dirty parts of your car (wheels, tires) with the towels you use on your paint, that`s asking for trouble. :)

06-09-2003, 07:21 PM
One thing I really picked up from reading the Archives on this issue was the recommendation to keep GLASS MFs separate from everything else and to wash them separately. Supposedly because you can`t wash out 100% of residues and it could cause streaking/smearing/etc. when you try to clean your glass.

I`ve never tried challenging this though, and just do it like a good lemming. :p

06-09-2003, 08:20 PM
Yep, tried to wash two of my blue MF and a white one was thrown in, and now I have a funky looking white one. Since they were new, no harm, just a bizarre white one now. Oh well..

Wife now thinks I`m obsessed with my towels, maybe getting a dedicated washer just for them...
