View Full Version : What`s more important the paint or the product?

06-08-2003, 11:44 PM
Wonder what`s more important the quality of paint or the quality of products. I`ve worked my Dodge truck paint enough now with quality products to get it to look pretty good.

But, I bet I could buy the cheapest wax from Dollar General and still make a new black BMW look great!

06-08-2003, 11:58 PM
You know what, I agree with you. I could polish a 1990 Geo till my pad falls apart and it will never look like a 2003 BMW no matter what color it is. The paint condition has a lot to do with it as well as the paint quality. A brand new car with nothing but a clear coat on it will more than likely look better than a car 10 years old with 200 coats of Klasse on it and no clearcoat. The results you get need to have the condition of the paint taken into consideration. I`m just not blown away by a black BMW showing off a reflection of the sky in the shade. Any black car can do that. Show me a 1980 BMW doing that and I`m much more impressed because obviously some work went into bringing that car back from the dead. Better yet, show me a before/after picture of the car. Like that one that Mike Phillips did for the bimmerfest. Now THAT was impressive. It wasn`t the black car reflecting the sky that was impressive. It was the once totally swirled and marred black car now reflecting the sky that was the impressive part. :bow :bow

06-09-2003, 12:03 AM
One day I`ll own a black BMW, but at the rate I`ve been buying products ... it may not have an engine in it.