View Full Version : Possible Zaino topper, what do ya`ll think of compatibility??

06-08-2003, 06:21 PM
Never got to have that sunny day today in NJ, plus its supposed to rain again tonight, so I didn`t bother touching my car other than hosing it down and a quick QD.

Was bringing some of my buddies stuff back to his house including his bottle of collinite`s #845 Liquid Insulator Wax. I figured what the hell, its an excellent protectant, so why not try to add a small layer on top of my hood and compare...

Well, just got a clean soft towel and just dabbed a small amount of product onto it and then rubbed it into about a 12" x 12" area on the corner of my hood and let it sit for a little while. To humid out, so it probably didn`t cure 100% but I rubbed it off anyway b/c I have no patience today. Taking a look, didn`t really seem to affect the zaino shine and gloss. I asked my friend how he applied his when he got it, and he too just applied it over top of his Zaino and said its been working wonders for him This was back in August and he now needs to apply another layer for some extended protection. His silver 03 Cobra is a daily driver through all the NJ snow and crap. :eek:

Guess I will see how that one small spot lasts through the washes. Maybe a good idea for some others out there to try out.

06-08-2003, 07:51 PM
I tried both P21S and Pinnacle Souveran on top of Zaino. I too saw no visable improvement. I`m not sure wshy but that was my experience.:bounce

Robert O
06-08-2003, 09:23 PM
Ditto.... absolutely no difference whatsoever.

06-08-2003, 10:01 PM
For me, its a matter of achieving that shine I like to have with zaino, but not destroying it by adding something on top of it. Adding extra shine is always a plus, but as long as it does not take away from it, I`m a-okay with it.

The collinites didn`t seem to take away anything, if anything it added a possibly slight gloss to the clear coat. But at least the collinites if compatible with zaino will give the car some good ol protection zaino was never able to give me.

so what does everyone think about the compatibility part??