View Full Version : Glaze help needed ASAP!!!

06-06-2003, 09:14 AM
Ok quick scenario, my GF has a black civic. She has pinstriping along the upper portion of the front fender to the rear. She doesnt want it touched and I dont want to risk hitting it. I am going to swirl remove and buff with my PC on the hood, roof, trunk and anywhere else I can safely get. For the other areas I need a recomendation on a glaze that will hide the swirls and produce a good shine. How is 3M`s imperial hand glaze? My other question is the car will then be protected with Klasse SG, will the glaze cause bonding problems in any way? Also, Klasse is known for its longevity, if applied over the glaze will the glaze still wear off and begin showing swirls like it would with wax or last longer due to the longer lasting polymer protectant? Thanks for any help.

I posted this over in Autopia University and got no response but 38 views. I am about to do this soon, I need some answers ASAP. Come on guys, if you know help a bro out :):bow

06-06-2003, 09:26 AM
You should be asking if you can use a swirl remover on the areas that your GF doesn`t want you to touch! If so, which one?

To answer your posted question, products to try that you can get locally are the 3M IHG that you mentioned and Mother`s Sealant Glaze. These can help HIDE very MINOR swirls. I`ve used them both. I don`t believe #7 or #3 hide swirls - I could be wrong.

Many people like the Vanilla Moose from Clearkote to hide swirls while offering a nice glaze look.

I can`t answer your second question about bonding with SG. I don`t use it. Also, I`m not sure about whether or not the glaze will wear off quicker if its under the SG since I don`t use it.

06-06-2003, 11:41 AM
teh IHG will prevent proper bonding my the klasse

it`s denerally accepted to use AIO to clean the surface before using SG. if you use the glaze before the AIO, the AIO will just strip it. If you use it between the AIO and SG, the SG will not bong properly.

IHG will only last about a week or so even if topped with a decent carnuba wax (I used mothers with IHG)

I used a PC over my pin stiping this weekend and there was no negative effect from what I could tell. it didn`t rip the tape or pull it in any way. if you`re concerned, why not turn down the PC speed when going near the pin stripes.

you can probably talk to the professional detailers to see what they do about pin stripes, but I doubt they treat them very differently.

06-06-2003, 01:11 PM
One Grand Omega Glaze + Blitz Wax = Stunning on Black

06-06-2003, 01:16 PM
Glazes and sealants are an `either or" kind of thing. You can`t usually use both of them. The oils in the glaze will mess with the bonding for the sealant. I don`t believe you can layer a glaze on a sealant either but I can`t remember why. Maybe because the glaze may remove the sealant. I need to look that one up. I`m not a big fan of glazes because I don`t like using things that I can`t put a sealant on top of. You have a PC. Get some DACP and remove those swirls instead of hiding them and then you don`t have to worry about using a glaze. If you can`t get to the areas to remove the swirls with a PC then chances are there aren`t many swirls there. I did a swirl removal treatment on a Civic a couple weeks ago and I don`t remember hitting anyplace on that car that I couldn`t remove swirls with a PC. I don`t think its going to be an issue for ya.

06-06-2003, 01:34 PM
If you are really paranoid about the pinstripes (I don`t have them, so I don`t know what would happen), you can mask them off with the blue 3M painters tape.
