View Full Version : New plan of attack

06-05-2003, 08:56 AM

I`m thinking of trying a new sequence on my car, any comments or recommendations on the following will be greatly accepted:bow

1. Wash with Meguiar`s softwash gel

2. Polish with Autoglym Super Resin

3. Seal with Autoglym Extra Gloss Protection

4. Glaze with One Grand Omega Glaze

5. Wax with One Grand Blitz Wax

6. Top wax with S100

7, 8 & 9. Sit back with a beer and admire the results.



06-05-2003, 09:28 AM
Is that your sequence too ? Wouldnt you want to glaze prior to sealing ? Also i think Id skip the Grand Blitz and just go to the S100.....

Polish, glaze, seal, top.....

Also..,I recommend, 7 after 2, maybe call it 2a

8 after 4 (4a)

and 9 after 6(6a)....Thats way your ensuring proper bonding (with you efforts), nothing like a beer to bond with....

06-05-2003, 09:50 AM
Originally posted by Patrick

Wouldnt you want to glaze prior to sealing ?

Oop`s, my mistake, thank`s.

If I add in 2a, 3a, 4a etc. I probably wont remember the glaze or wax:D



06-05-2003, 12:42 PM
I personally still contend that glazes and sealants can`t be friends, under or over each other. Especially with products like AIO or in this case SRP that have the job of being light polishes. I would delete the glaze all together and just try to layer on the EG like a madman before topping with wax.

Is the car is in pretty good condition? I noticed you don`t have much in the way of polishing going on in your steps.

I would also clay it after step 1 unless it really doesn`t need it.

06-06-2003, 02:14 AM
Originally posted by 4DSC

I personally still contend that glazes and sealants can`t be friends, under or over each other. Especially with products like AIO or in this case SRP that have the job of being light polishes. I would delete the glaze all together and just try to layer on the EG like a madman before topping with wax.

Is the car is in pretty good condition? I noticed you don`t have much in the way of polishing going on in your steps.

I would also clay it after step 1 unless it really doesn`t need it.

The car is in excellent condition, I`ve tried the plastic bag trick (supposed to magnify contaminant`s?) and also the MF trick and it slips across the paint very well.

I think I`ll do a test panel, 1/2 with SRP and 1/2 with SRP and OG omega glaze.

What polish would you reccommend, bearing in mind that I will be applying it by hand?


06-06-2003, 07:40 AM
Actually I had a similar kind of question. One of the articles on here suggested using Klasse AIO, then glaze, then wax. Is that really right? Isn`t the glaze going to remove smoe of the AIO?

I`ve decided to give the AIO a try based on the suggestions I`ve heard here...I need to figure out where in the routine to integrate it.

06-06-2003, 09:22 AM
Well it depends on what kind of condition the paint is in, but an easy polish to use by hand is Meguiars ScratchX. Does an alright job of getting rid of minor swirls and what not also. Just a suggestion. :nixweiss

06-06-2003, 01:23 PM
Omega trick :

Use a damp terry applicator and squirt your favorite QD in it to act as a lub then put a dime size amount of Omega on the applicator. Smear the Omega with your finger for easy application.

Give a few squirts of QD when applicator starts to dry a little. Use about a dime size of Omega per panel. Apply to whole car, let dry for 10 mins then buff with MF, Fieldcrest terry, or 100% Gerber cotton diaper.

Blitz Trick :

Apply Blitz like P21S. One panel at a time and buff. This keeps Blitz from staining trim and keeps the dust to a minimum. As you will see Blitz dries fast.


06-06-2003, 01:32 PM
I`m with 4DSC on this. SRP really is a pretty strong cleaner. It would almost certainly remove glaze, or most anything else, applied previously.

06-06-2003, 02:18 PM
The polish you`d need will depend on how much damage you need to fix, if any. That will have to be your call. :nixweiss Polishing out swirls by hand isn`t easy, but it`s do-able. Try running a search on hand swirl removal (older threads are probably better) for some advice and product suggestions. Most people don`t seem to like Scratch-X for this though...