View Full Version : is it possible for a beginner to remove swirls without a PC/buffer?

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06-03-2003, 11:45 AM
ive heard it is very hard to remove swirls without a PC/buffer. i am a beginner and have some 3M SMR and i dont know if i can use it successfully. anyone have any tips?

06-03-2003, 11:49 AM
3M SMR by hand will remove the finest of the smallest and most minimal swirls if you work it in very throughly.

Autopian Whistler may comment on this. He had a thread about hand polishing his Mustang with 3M Fine Cut Rubbing Compound and 3M SMR.

As far as tips. Read the forums and search teh archives for hand polishing. Scottwax had some nice write ups about polishing by hand.

It also depends on the swirls. If they are deep then get ready to rub and rub. If they are light expect some rubbing but not as much as heavy swirls.

oh btw, where in NJ are you?

Hope this helps


06-03-2003, 11:53 AM
get a PC. You`ll probably induce more scratches/marring trying to remove the swirls by hand....like I did when I started :). The PC is my best purchase by far for detailing equipment. Well, the creeper seat and worklight are must haves also.

06-03-2003, 11:53 AM
thanks. see, im not sure how to rub and how much to rub and how ard t orub..i need someone to show me. i am actually not too far from staten island...i am maybe 15 mins away from the goethals bridge. that connects elizabeth and SI, right? haha

06-03-2003, 12:02 PM
heh, anyone in jersey have a pc and wanna show me how to do the SMR?

06-03-2003, 12:26 PM
And I`m another 20-25 minutes away from the goethals bridge.

Well I`m around Old Bridge NJ most of the time, My PC will be back in my hands within 2-3 weeks. I have my new Makita rotary polisher and did some more experimenting with it today.

I wet-sanded my washing machine (the orange peel was annoying me) today and wow wet-sanding takes time to wear down the high spots down to the low. I stopped about half way to a point where the orange peel wouldn`t kill me. Now its all nice and shiny again with less orange peel.

As gnahc79 sais, get a PC. Its fairly cheap considering the cost of a car is $$$$$. A PC with a full pad kit and polishes, towels, and waxes should set you back no more than $250, maybe $300 if you get a lot.

06-03-2003, 12:35 PM
Originally posted by JasonC8301

I have my new Makita rotary polisher and did some more experimenting with it today. Aha! A vehicle to hone your rotary skills on.:p


06-03-2003, 12:46 PM
LOL Charles, still gotta work on perfecting the skill on the washing machine first, then after a few more tries and a few more washing machine later, move onto to beater cars.

06-03-2003, 12:59 PM
LOL Jason. :D

Operation Rotary Sacrifice

Phase 1: Major Appliances

Phase 2: Mad Max Rejects

Phase 3: Trial By Fire

Phase 4: There is no phase 4......

06-03-2003, 01:21 PM
LOL Brian!!! Trial by Fire...mmmm sounds familiar....

06-03-2003, 06:14 PM
another good project to try your polishing luck on- crappy electric guitars.

06-03-2003, 08:08 PM
back to my topic..anyone?

06-03-2003, 08:18 PM
I thought I`d do a quick search on

"swirl removal by hand" (http://www.autopia.org/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=19289&highlight=swirl+removal+hand). I have a pc so I haven`t tried it.

06-03-2003, 08:56 PM
If you`re applying SMR by hand, use EVEN, firm pressure. If you use too much pressure, you can create more swirls and if you don`t use enough pressure, the SMR won`t break down and you won`t remove the existing swirls.

Work one section at a time and DON`T RUSH THROUGH IT. Take your time. If your shoulder/arm starts to get sore or tired, STOP. By doing a panel at a time, you can always pick up where you leave off.

Swirl removal by hand is a real PITA but it can be done. If I had to do it again from the beginning, I would have bought a PC and saved my arms. ;)

06-03-2003, 09:38 PM
Originally posted by drdavidge

back to my topic..anyone? Oops, sorry! :o

I think Whistler sumed it up pretty well. :up It is possible to do it, but it really is a PITA and very time consuming as well. Around this time last year I tried doing my car that way and wasn`t very successful even though I was doing it "properly". Hand swirl removal doesn`t seem to have the same "oomf" that PC polishing does. Directions for polishing by machine and by hand are pretty similar really, in that you keep working it until the product is nearly dry (cool surface).

Maybe try searching in the Archives for "hand swirl removal" or "hand swirls remove" (or some similar combo) and start from the beginning of the Archive.