View Full Version : Cleaner wax before S100/P21s

imported_Larry A
06-03-2003, 10:30 AM
I know that a lot of people use Klasse A.I.O. and then top it with S100/P21s. Has anybody tried Mothers Cleaner Wax Meguiars Gold Class and #6 And Eagle One Wet and then top with S100/P21s . I have some stuff to use up before I buy some more.

06-03-2003, 10:46 AM
I don`t really see the point. When doing this, you are using AIO as your paint cleaner. I would not use a cleaner wax as my paint cleaner, it doesn`t really make sense.

06-03-2003, 12:11 PM
I don`t see what the point would be either. People choose to use AIO because it pre-cleans as well as lays down some polymer protection, which none of the cleaner waxes you mention do.

I guess you are able to do that if you really want, but dedicated paint polishes/cleaners would be more worth your while...

06-03-2003, 12:32 PM
While I can`t state for sure, I would bet his point is to use up some of the products he has accumulated before he buys AIO or anything else for that matter. I used to take a box of polishes and waxes I no longer used to work periodically and just leave them in the break area. By days end they were usually gone.

I would probably go ahead and get the AIO now, if it was what I wanted to use.

That said, none of the products he listed are crap products. On a well cared for surface, they would all do a good job. Topping any of them with S100/P21S would just add to the look.

My cars looked pretty good with Meguiar`s Medallion Premium Paint Protection for years. For a while I topped it with 3M Showcar Paste Wax and they looked even better.

Finances and/or the opinions of a significant other might also be involved in the decision.:p


06-03-2003, 07:50 PM
I think I`m going to go with the Meguiars Gold Class / S100 combo. Both products seem to deepen the look of the paint well. The down side is that neither product is particularly durable. The paint sure looked deep after I clayed then attempted swirl removal by and with Meguiars Scratch X, then put Gold Class and S100 on. My only concern is that the oils in Gold Class won`t allow the S100 to stick, but hey, it can be used over glazes, so why not a simple wax like GC? When I first got S100, I applied it to the front fenders and the hood. This is when I attempted swirl removal on the front fenders. The fenders recieved GC and S100 while the hood just recieved S100. I realize that the hood gets quite a beating from the sun on my daily driven, un-garaged car, but I think the GC/S100 that actually lasted was worth it. The hood seemed to be less slick and not bead water the same way the fenders did. I`ll have to do further tests when I have time to determine more closely what I`m going to end up doing.

I think a cleaner wax/s100 combo would be good, especially if you use the cleaner wax more as a cleaner and the S100 as the wax. If you don`t get time for the S100, you aren`t SOL either, as you might be with a pure paint cleaner.

P.S. the cleaner waxes I have are Zymol Cleaner Wax, Turtlewax Finish 2001, and Meguiars Gold Class. (all are liquids) so I`m in a similar situation as you.

imported_Larry A
06-03-2003, 08:35 PM
I just wanted to use up existing products . Since other people use cleaner sealants I though this would also work with cleaner waxes I just wanted to know if someone else tried it . I suppose I should just try it and then post the results.

06-03-2003, 09:03 PM
By the way, if you really want to use one of your cleaner waxes as prep, I`d use #6 since I understand it is stronger than your "typical" OTC cleaner waxes.