View Full Version : New product cought my attention

06-03-2003, 01:50 AM

The product cought my attention,

I`m researching

might be testing it

will keep you updated

end of message


06-03-2003, 07:11 AM
Interesting site.

The music was nice, the pictures were nice. I did have some problem reading much of it though.:)

One thing I did notice, Wax+PTFE. That was kind of a red flag for me.

You do realize that if these products turn out to be good stuff, it will be up to you to translate the site for those of us limited to one language. (And not too good with that one.)


06-03-2003, 08:08 AM
I`ll gladly translate , I`ve done it B4:)

I`ve sent them this morning an e-mail asking some Q`s :


is the product a polish or a wax (or a combination,...)




06-17-2003, 04:04 AM
Today , I got a reply on my e-mail:)

exept for the scratch-remover all products are non-abrasive:xyxthumbs

they just put protection to the paint.

They allso included a list of dealers, so I can go buy and test.



06-17-2003, 12:14 PM
Hmm, nice to try out a local invention eh? :)

Personally I would test the wax on a tool box or something to see if it really is non-abrasive. You know, sometimes companies like to call things non-abrasive but....

Good luck with it! :bigups

06-17-2003, 12:28 PM
Hi cvcaelen,

Would like to know if you already had the opportunity to try this products?

06-18-2003, 12:44 AM
Originally posted by hkgs300

Hi cvcaelen,

Would like to know if you already had the opportunity to try this products?

not yet,

give me a week or two

09-22-2003, 01:27 AM
Tested the Topix-tissues this week-end :

Some time ago I requested a sample, and last friday I got it.

What I got were two plastic wrapped tissues(in a sealed bag) :

one polishing towel

ono dry wipe towel.

The polishing towel is wrong named "cause it does not contain abrasives (as the company replied when I mailed them about it), but in Belgium nobody knows anything else but "to simonize"


The polishing towel is a tissue impregnated with a product ,

when you whipe the towel over the painted surface of your car, it leaves a white haze witch instantly dries & cures.

As the product is ON the towel , you can`t spill it, you can`t even use too much:xyxthumbs

On my Mazda MPV I had enough with 1 towel sized about 20 square centimeters.And there was enough left for my motorcycle.

ease of use : 10/10 :my MPV was done in 20 minutes

finisch: very smooth and shiny : this reminds me of Z2 (realy)

buffing: no residue , whipes off very easily : that`s where the dry-towels enter the scene : they are non-woven towels for taking the product off.Forget them and use MF :

the 20 cm square towels are just not big enough, plus I don`t trust their not`scratching ability as they are too thin:down

One MF could easily buff the whole car as the residue is very little and not loading the MF.

Black trim is not stained:bow it gets kinda hazed, but like Z it gets buffed away easy

It smells like nothing, but the feel on your hands is the same as after using Armor all:nixweiss , strange,...

What I don`t like is that on the package it says nowhere that your car should be prepped !My car was Z`d 3 months ago, smooth to the touch and after the Topix even smoother and shinier.But I can see the dissapointment on someone who did not start with a prepped car : he can never have good results.Compare it with a beater-car and someone putting Z2 on it : it will never work out:down

Durability: too soon to ask , but this week lots of rain is expected, so I`ll be able to tell more later on

Price : by the end of the week I will know

My personal opinion:If durability and price turn out to be satisfying, I think it will be a good Quick protection system, ala zaino, whithout the mixing issues, but time will tell.
