View Full Version : AutoGLym

06-01-2003, 12:02 AM
With the endless pursuit to make a polymer product have a deeper gloss or shine, most people top with a carnuba wax. AutoGlym is supposed to be like Klasse but have a deeper shine to it like Klasse does with carnuba on top. Why is this product never discussed and used on this board? It seems to be very well supported in the UK by major manufacturers. I`m thinking of trying some but can`t figure out why it`s never talked about because it sounds so good in theory. Maybe that`s just it; only theory.

06-01-2003, 12:07 AM
I asked the same question O so many months ago.

The answer was .. and as it turned out I proved to myself was basically......

Better products are available here in the US much cheaper.

Autoglym KNOWS it has very little competition in the UK and prices accordingly.

$15 for a small bottle of Super Resin ?

If they attempted that in the US they would never sell anything.

Add `import taxes` etc and I think they just struggle to be competitive with products made here.

06-01-2003, 02:39 AM
Personally I didn`t go for the "Autoglym Twins" myself because I spoke with some reps and got mixed responses on its layerability (some told me 2 layers max). Also some people have commented on its solventy smell and durability reportedly wasn`t quite as good. I went with Klasse instead because people keep talking about layering like crazy and durability was supposed to be better.

06-01-2003, 08:54 AM
I have seen some very good pictures from Autoglym users, I will probably try some soon. Only downfall I have hear about it is the smell :nixweiss

06-01-2003, 10:10 AM
While we have a limited supply of good products here in the UK, although its getting better all the time, Autoglym is a class act. Ive used super resin and extra gloss with great success in porsche concours and now i top with P21s it makes for an amazing look. As for durability, again ive found it very good. If you have a red car this stuff is hard to beat. Get hold of some give it a wirl, its the only way to see it in action.

06-01-2003, 10:21 AM
Well, I`m a US-based Autoglym user. I use the SRP under carnaubas on some cars. I THINK it works a bit better on an imperfect finish than AIO and that it lasts longer, although I almost always top it. SRP + Collinite works GREAT on cars for family/friends and it`s quick and easy.

I sorta LIKE the solventy smell. Sorta like turpentine or oil-based artist`s paints. And on some subjective level, I just LIKE it better than I do AIO :nixweiss

If you want to try something different and don`t mind the cost, I`d heartily suggest you give SRP a try.