View Full Version : cleaning the motorcycle: katana

05-30-2003, 04:33 PM
I read the RC51 thread about cleaning sportbikes, very informative :D. I get my katana this evening and plan on give it a thorough cleaning this weekend. Can`t ride it legall yet, so might as well. Is it ok to spray it down w a garden hose? Or just a spray bottle of water? It`s not super dirty. The kat has plastics galore, so I think I should be ok.

I`ll probably go all S100 (cleaner,wax) and plexus.

05-30-2003, 05:22 PM
Spraying it all over with water is not a problem, just stay away from the air intake and the exhaust pipe opening, or bag them over. As long as you are not using a pressure washer, you should be ok.

Try not to put too much water on the instrument cluster if you can. Sometimes water can seep behind the seals, and your clocks will get fogged up. It`s best to take it for a spin after a washing to get all the water out, but as you mentioned you can`t, but I don`t think it`s a big deal, as long as you take care to dry everything properly. I do that quite a bit, as I usually wash after a long day in the saddle.

05-31-2003, 02:15 AM
yeah. you don`t have to worry TOO much about water. they are built to be ridden in the rain. don`t spray water really hard into any air inlets or the carbs or aircleaners. use a good degreaser to hit the engine and chainsling on the swingarm.

AND DON`T DRESS THE TIRES WITH ARMOR ALL OR ANY OTHER TIRE DRESSING. i`ve heard people say that it`s totally against the rules to dress the seat, but i have done it without any problems. in fact, i feel it makes it easier to change body position.

also, remember to clean and lube your chain after a good cleaning of the bike. i`m going to do my bike tomorrow myself.

05-31-2003, 10:17 AM
Let me start by saying I`ve been a scooter mechanic for over thirty years and have seen many mistakes. I feel the biggest is using a high pressure wash wand. There are two reasons 1: It will get into the bearings and controls etc and, 2: You usually ride to the car wash. The engine should be dead cold to wash. The coating used on the engine WILL separate from the aluminum if the temp of the engine is other than cold. It might not happen the first time but it will happen and you pay later.:sosad

05-31-2003, 10:32 AM
I find that using a watering jug is sometimes better and faster than using a hose.