View Full Version : Getting Platinum to shine

05-28-2003, 09:26 PM
I`ve got two coats of UPP on my car. It`s pretty glossy and has good depth but I`d like to get more gloss. Are there any tricks to get UPP to shine more? I`ve already applied it the way Sal Zainos recommends you applied Z w/ horizontal strokes on the hood, etc.. Is it me or does UPP have more gloss the day after you apply it?

05-28-2003, 10:51 PM
I guess it all pretty much depends on the color were talking about here....Youll find lighter colors have less depth, obviously, unless they contain pearls or metalflakes....But more so are darks with either of the above, theres lots of room for depth and gloss "appearance"....Remember, what one see`s, another may not....Have you tried topping it with a carnauba ?

You really need to get the depth and gloss with your prep work also, that is the key.....The Platinum polish is real light, as is Blackfires....you can get some shine with the sealant but it really comes alive after proper prepping...

05-28-2003, 10:55 PM
I use their QD to add a little extra POP to the cars I put UPP on. Platinum`s QD is the only non carnauba QD I`ve ever used that has done that for me. I would imagine it is an effect similar to what Sonus does for Klasse. It just works really well with its sealant partner.

05-28-2003, 11:03 PM
What extra prep work should I do Patrick? I clayed the car with Mother`s claybar, then UPP-C and UPP was applied. UPP was left on the car for one hour and buffed off with a MF towel. I`ll apply some S100 after I get 4 coats of UPP on there.

05-29-2003, 02:31 AM
I was thinking about using Meguiar`s #7 then UPP. I look on CMA`s site about polishing and they recommended #7 or IHG then used Blackfire as their sealant. I thought the oils of #7 would mess up the bonding of a sealant but if CMA is recommending it then it`s worth a try.

05-29-2003, 11:42 AM
I would ask 4 Star what they think about putting UPP on top of #7. UPP is not Blackfire and may work differently. They may tell you the same thing but they might not too. You wouldn`t take your Toyota to a Honda dealership to ask a technical question, would you? ;)

05-29-2003, 11:50 AM
Originally posted by Jngrbrdman

You wouldn`t take your Toyota to a Honda dealership to ask a technical question, would you? ;)

Why not? Around here I`d get just as good an answer.

05-29-2003, 11:59 AM
Let me put it this way... Would you go to Burger King to get information about a Wendy`s hamburger? If you want the most accurate information then you need to go to the source. If you want to know what UPP works well with and not well with then you need to ask the people who sell it or make it.

05-29-2003, 01:13 PM
Jngr brings up a good point, you should go to the source....I called CMA in regards to using a glaze prior to BF II....The recommended IHG as well, but also said to use the polish after the glaze, which i would think would remove the filling prop`s. So, with that in mind, I think I need to do some experimenting on my own. Im thinking a SMR would be more appropriate after a cleaner, than followed with BF polish and protectant.....Im still tossing ideas.....Ive messed with Clearkotes products and am satisfied, but am still looking for that perfect combo !

What extra prep work should I do Patrick

Do you need any glazing benefits ? Any Swirl remover benefits ? SMR will also shine the paint up for you.....As for 4 coats of UPP, the S100 is pretty much useless for any benefits other than dust control, IMO.....The Carnauba isnt even reaching the surface for any real visual benefits, albeit temporary if anything, real temporary, soon as the hood reaches 170 deg`s, its 1/2 diminished......

05-29-2003, 04:46 PM
I called 4 star up and they said #7 might affect the durability of UPP. They also said #7 might defeat some of the purpose of UPP-C. They said try a carnuba over UPP and use UPP-C when I wanna put a coat of UPP to get rid of some of the carnuba.