View Full Version : Effect of constant rain on business

05-28-2003, 08:32 PM
I live in Western Maryland where it has been raining virtually everyday for a month. I have been waiting for a break in the weather to get my car detailed. (been working long hours so I don`t really have the time to do it myself.) Just wondering how much business has fallen off for detailing shops on the east coast who have been subjected to this terrible weather.

05-28-2003, 08:41 PM
Just be glad you are getting over watered instead of underwatered. We are in a drought out here in the west and its possible that the lack of water will put a real damper (no pun intended) on business. Its hard to do the detailing without the water.

I`ve found that some people can still be sold on a detail even when rain is in the forcast for several days. Its just a matter of having a good sales pitch. When they realize that washing their car is easy but getting the swirls out is difficult and maybe not something they are able to do in their own garage then they may hire you. Its definitely difficult to get business when its raining solid though. I know I go through that in the winter when nobody wants to pay someone to remove salt that will just get on their car again in a week anyway. Its tough to be a detailier for a living in those climates. That`s why I have another job to pay the bills. I can`t rely on a detailing income in this climate in this state.

05-28-2003, 09:50 PM
Some folks realize that a detail is not a car wash. That`s my base... during the all day thundr storms today, I booked a Lexus 400, 2002 Land Cruiser, and a 01 Mercedes S Class.

Seems folks come to me for specific needs and not simply for a clean car for the weekend...

I have a Rainy Day Guarantee, so even if they schedule 2 weeks in advance, they can be assured that if it rains on the day of their appt, they`ll be able to come back for a quick wash... free.

05-28-2003, 09:56 PM
There is a shop in town that will redo your car if it rains within 24 hours of the receipt time stamp. That is pretty cool of them. Of course, when you live in a mountain desert that doesn`t happen too often. :lol Still, that`s mighty ethical of them and it wins them a ton of business from the other shops nearby I`m sure.

05-28-2003, 10:35 PM
Ill be moving to Seattle soon... :(

05-28-2003, 10:46 PM
It depends. I had one month where my income was cut in half by continuous rain. In the spring, when there is a constant threat of thunderstorms, it really doesn`t affect me as much since people want their cars cleaned up from winter and with what is usually a 20-30% chance of rain, odds are still good their car will stay dry.

I also have some customers who just don`t care if it rains, either because their car is dirty enough they can no longer stand it, or they have several cars and if I clean a few of them, they are guaranteed to have a nice clean car when the weather gets good.

The nice thing with being mobile is the lack of overhead, so while bad weather can cost me some business, I don`t have rent on a shop to pay for.