View Full Version : Dust Removal

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05-28-2003, 12:29 PM
Hello everyone, my first post on this board! I have been reading on here for a couple of weeks and I am blown away by all of the knowledge and help on here.

I have a 1969 Mustang Fastback painted Guards red or the famous Porsche red. I have recently used mcguires polish and then the Gold Class wax on it and it looks pretty good.

After reading all of the information on here I have decided to

try some of these great new "professional" products on the board, I live in Colorado and due to the drought situation here, my new housing development is nothing but dust and dirt. no new grass is being put in yet.

So now my formerly clean car is covered in dust. (this happens all the time)

Can I get some recomendations to the best way to get it off of the car without scratching it? I have used a polish rag or a duster, but the dust sems to stick to the car a little bit.

Thanks for any help!:up

05-28-2003, 01:03 PM
Thank you for the reply, I am planning on switching the wax just as soon as I order some of this new stuff on here.

05-28-2003, 01:15 PM
one last thing,

In order to get me started could I get a few recommendations for a starter kit of sorts? Also a good clay bar to try.

All of the abreviations on here are killing me trying to figure out what is what at the moment.

Thanks again.

Cleanmaxx Brian
05-28-2003, 01:21 PM
Hi and welcome...from one noobe to another:)

If you click the "home" button at the top of the screen, on the top of the main page on the left you will see · Acronyms. It is a list of all the "codes" to the Autopian language;)

05-28-2003, 02:03 PM
Thanks for all the help.

Now lets hope I read enough to do this without

jacking up my car...:scared

The paint is a few years old and it has never been clayed before,

I hope this will brighten it back up to near original shine.

05-28-2003, 04:34 PM
Hi 69Stang and welcome to Autopia. :welcome

I don`t think clay by itself will do a whole lot of shine restoring unless the paint`s really coated. If the paint seems faded and swirled up, you`ll have to do some polishing to bring the shine back. I`m not sure what you`ve read already, but the Autopia eBook makes a good general reference, and there are some articles in the Learn! link at the top. More important than buying a armload of "professional" products is the methods and techniques you use to do your paint prep, which is 95% of your results right there. Good luck, and have fun!


05-28-2003, 08:50 PM
I recently started using a California Car Duster followed by the "instant dealer" of the week - which is Meguiars Final Inspection now. Works great for me. The car I use it on is my black Mustang that sits under a car cover for weeks at a time. Amazing how dusty a car gets under a cover.

05-29-2003, 09:43 AM
Thanks for the welcome.

I was planning on washing the car real good, then using the clay bar, then meguires ultimate paint polish, then #7, then the souvern wax.

I think this would get it back to looking the way it should.

For the most part the paint is in really good condition, but the shine has dwindled over the years.

Does this sound like a good plan or is it overkill?

Mr. Clean
05-29-2003, 10:45 AM
Welcome to Autopia.

First let me say...I want your car:eek: J/K What motor do you have?

Regarding the dusting, you have already received some fine recommendations. I have a couple of different ones to offer.

I use the DFTowel Concours Towel in place of the CCD (California Car Duster). It takes the lightest touch to remove the dust. Leo is a member here, so you can follow his link to his website.

I only use the dusting method for the lightest dust. When my car is just beyond a light dust, I use Poorboy`s Spray & Wipe. It is a versatile tool and can be used full strength or in various dilutions with distilled water or other QDs. Steve is a member here also.

05-29-2003, 11:29 AM
Originally posted by Mr. Clean

Welcome to Autopia.

First let me say...I want your car:eek: J/K What motor do you have?

It has a 351W, kinda, it has been punched out to add a few extra cubic inches:)

If I can remember how to post pics then I will later on. I have a few that are a couple of yers old that I could post.

Thanks for the compliments on the car.

05-29-2003, 11:39 AM

05-29-2003, 11:41 AM

I know they aren`t the best quality but you get the idea of the cars looks.

Lynn Matthews
05-29-2003, 01:14 PM
Nice Mustang :cool:

Welcome to Autopia :welcome

Not sure where you live in Colorado but Mike will be flying in on Sunday for the Ford Centennial Celebration on Monday, June 2nd. It is a Model T Tour but Mike will be there to answer question and do some demos.

Here is a link that tells more about the tour... http://www.modeltford.net/whats_new.html

Here is where it will be held:

Spradley Barr Ford - Lincoln - Mercury

4809 S. College Avenue

Ft Collins, CO 80525


05-29-2003, 01:44 PM
Nice fastback! :cool:

For your process, that Meguiar`s "ultimate paint polish".... is that the Medallion product? :confused: If it is, I think that should be fine although I`ve never used those products. Try your best to get the finish looking the way you want it first, before proceeding to #7 and Souveran.

05-29-2003, 02:34 PM
I was talking about the medallion product, then move onto the other stuff mentioned. So that sounds like a good start.

Are you the one known as Leadfoot Lynn?

I live in Frederick, so Ft.Collins isn`t too bad of a drive. I may be able to make it up there for the presentation. Thanks for the invite:)

What time will Mike be down there?