View Full Version : Tried Klasse SG - What a MESS!!! HELPP

05-27-2003, 03:54 PM
So I have this metallic black cherry Riviera that I have been babying with Z1, Z2, Z5, Z6 and Z18 and have very good results. Heck excellent results! Some 15 layers of Z2. :xyxthumbs I love it!

So when dad asked me to "polish" his orca (White Buick Roadmaster) that has been neglected for years I thought that I would try Klasse AIO and SG.

I used the SG on the Riv first. I had read and believe that you can layer SG over Zaino. So I washed the car and because the finish was about perfect I just layered on SG. I put on the thinnest layer possible. Temperature in the high 60 / low 70s. Let it dry for an hour and buffed it off with micro fibre. It came off easy and gave an incredible shine. Layered on a second layer an hour later and buffed it off and was very, very happy with the results.

The car sat on the driveway for 3 days of heavy rains and when I came out today there was a haze or scum all over the finish. It looked as though the SG hadn`t even been buffed out. :confused: The finish was very cloudy and scummy. :scared What a mess! What a huge disappointment!

Was able to rebuff it but there is still a slight "scum" in the finish, it is not as clear or reflective as it should be and frankly the car looks like crap. Others might not notice, I do and I don`t like it at all!

What did I do wrong? How can I correct it? :nixweiss

05-27-2003, 04:41 PM
I`d never heard that SG could be layered over Zaino. I guess it can`t.

Correcting it shouldn`t be a problem, though. The first--and easiest--thing I would try is Klasse All-In-One. It`s designed to both clean your paint and provide a base layer for SG. If that cleans up your surface OK, go ahead and put on some more SG over it. It won`t take long, and nobody will be the wiser.

05-27-2003, 04:52 PM
You are supposed to wait 24 hours between coats of SG. That could be your problem.

05-27-2003, 04:57 PM
I`ve found that if SG is left on for <12 hours, it seems to buff off cloudy. The longer you leave it on (I even back the car up into the sunlight to warm the finish and help speed curing) the easier and clearer it comes off.


05-27-2003, 06:20 PM
I also think the problem may be because there was only 1 hour in between coats of SG. Let the drying time be however much it needs to buff off easily, but the curing time is generally considered to be about 24 hours before you can apply more layers or top it. If you can`t fix it you may have to start over with AIO....

05-27-2003, 07:14 PM
I don`t think that SG would bond to the Zaino because Z is not acrylic based like Klasse and Klasse needs the AIO to clean and put down the small acrylic layer to bond with t he SG.

05-27-2003, 08:20 PM
Could the weather also have something to do with the SG hazing on the paint? Especially humid days?

Yeah definitely wait 24 hours between coats. Did you try using QD or water to remove the haze?

05-28-2003, 08:52 AM
Thanks for all your help.

It is much better now. I rebuffed the heck out of the SG. The MF just wasn`t doing it so I used cotton and lots of pressure and a QD.

I hope that this doesn`t happen every time the SG gets wet for several days. Frankly this is just about the weirdest thing that I have ever had happen to me, what a shock. Will also wait for warmer weather to do the orca.

How much time do I have to wait between AIO, buffing and the first coat of SG?

Thanks again, Robert

05-28-2003, 10:51 AM
EDBSO - I agree that the problem must have been the underlying layers of Z.

I don`t wait at all after buffing off the AIO. After I`ve buffed the AIO off the whole car, I apply the first coat of SG right away. I`ve tried it all sorts of ways, and I get the best results by letting the SG dry/cure as long as possible before buffing it off (often overnight), but I`ve had OK results with only waiting an hour or so, sometimes even less.

05-28-2003, 11:55 AM
Your best bet at this point is to start over with AIO and then SG. It seems that the SG is reacting with the Zaino. I have never heard of layering SG over anything. It likes a really clean surface and AIO is exactly what is called for. I would expect that on the first rain it will do the same thing. No reason why it shouldn;t. Try wetting the car down and leaving it. See what happens.
