View Full Version : My WRX After Poorboys Polish and EX

05-27-2003, 12:08 AM
Hopefully these photos aren`t too large and don`t blow up the forums.

Below are some photos of my WRX after giving it the Poorboys treatment. I had previously been using Zaino Z2 with ZFX but I wanted to try something new. I went back and forth reading all the good info here and changed my mind 2 or 3 times before finally settling on Poorboys.

Here`s what I did in the order I did it.

Washed the entire car using PB`s Spray and Wipe. I was a little apprehensive of this step but Steve assured me that I`d be pleased with the results. The stuff did work as advertised.

Clayed all the horizontal surfaces and some problem spots on the doors/rear quarters with Mother`s Clay Bar. My car had some "rail rust" that got left on it by the "detailers" at the dealers. I`ve been claying it to get rid of it every time I find a spot of it.

Applied PB`s Polish with Carnuba

Removed with MF towel and applied a coat of PB`s EX.

Removed the EX and waited 24 hours and applied another coat of EX with a buffer.

Removed that with a MF towel. I`d also like to say that the EX is like night and day when done by hand and with a buffer. Much less residue with the buffer but that probably goes without saying.

Here`s the photos and I apologize for those who are broadband challenged. Please ignore the neglected CRV in the photos :)








I`m pretty happy with the results. It`s hard to get yellow to do much of anything but I do think that the PB`s stuff has a deeper shine than the Zaino stuff I was using before.

Granted I`m a mere wannabe compared to some of the jedi master detailers around here and there probably are more effective ways to accomplish what I did but I`m happy with the overall results.

My next project is going to be to tackle the CRV but I`m probably going to have to work it a little harder to get rid of some swirl marks.


Jay Carter

[email protected]


05-27-2003, 12:11 AM
that yellow looks great. usually the WRX yellows look very bland to me. but you managed to make the yellow really "alive". <thumbs up>

05-27-2003, 12:19 AM
Now that my dial-up modem has stopped smoking....:p

(btw, you can get a great free image optimizer at www.xat.com that would easily cut the file size of those pics by 2/3rds with no loss in quality).

That is one of the wettest yellows I`ve seen!

05-27-2003, 12:26 AM
Resampled the images down by about 50% so hopefully people`s modems will stop smoking :)

05-27-2003, 12:04 PM
sweet WRX man. . .not that I`d know anything about those cars :lol:

I like that yellow in you`re pics. as mentioned above, the yellow isn`t the greatest shade of yellow available (slaps subaru`s colorist across the face)

Looks nice!