View Full Version : Now I know I`m a detail freak

05-24-2003, 08:46 PM
I have one of those green power boxes in my front yard. Well today I looked at it and got an idea. Since some of my customers come to my house for a detail( like the Mazda in the pic) I would use the green box as a chart.

Heres what I mean. I sectioned it into 4 sections. I can than show the person how different steps can make a dramatic difference and that they are actually paying for what they get.

Heres the different sections...

1. A simple carnauba cleaner wax----far left

2. A simple polymer wax ---second from left

3. A body scrub B4 wax---second from right

4. And body scrub/wax/glaze-----far right

Now these aren`t my only steps that I can do and I can explain others to them, but I figured these will be the 4 most often used groups. The pics don`t give justice as far as the difference between the 4. You can see some reflection difference but the feel is the kicker,as I`m sure you can tell.

So now I have a "soft" gleaming green power box in my front yard. I will most definately hope for a difference after some rain "since we get some of that here in the pacific northwest".

So as you can see.....I`M A DETAIL FREAK!! :shocked

P.S. sorry for the length of this post

05-24-2003, 08:49 PM
ooops I forgot to attach the picture......

05-24-2003, 08:49 PM
ooops I forgot to attach the picture......

05-24-2003, 09:00 PM
hahahah, that is AWSOME! Got any pics from closer up? Kind of hard to see in that pic

05-24-2003, 09:07 PM

05-24-2003, 09:08 PM
Here are 3 closer pics,notice how much better you can read the lettering after the scrub compared to no letter reflection without scrubbing

05-24-2003, 09:09 PM

05-24-2003, 09:10 PM
here is the last close up...sorry don`t know how to post more than one pic per post

05-25-2003, 02:47 AM
LOL hope none of the neighbors or utility workers saw you! :D

05-25-2003, 08:11 AM
Gee I have one of those in my front yard. Might have to give it a try ...:D

05-25-2003, 11:07 AM
Originally posted by 4DSC

LOL hope none of the neighbors or utility workers saw you! :D

LOL my thoughts exactly, if your neighbors thought you were crazy before, what about after they see this:p if i had a box in my front yard, id prob do the same, lol

05-25-2003, 11:09 AM
oh ya the utility workers wont be able to figure out why that box in particular SHINES!! :nixweiss tee hee hee

05-25-2003, 04:17 PM
Yeah my neighbors thought I was weird when I clayed my wifes car in a downpour. I just extactic because it helped out. Now I am just waiting for the padded vehicle to come to my house