View Full Version : Duragloss line (pics inside)

08-16-2004, 05:43 PM
A while back I posted some pics of Duragloss - but I have been out of some products and had to go to carquest so I picked up their Polish Lok, Carwash and some Fast Clean Shine.

First - thier car wash - it`s awesome - I was really impress how slick it was and it might be in a run for my all time favorite 4* PAW - these two are the only ones that when I dry with the WW my car feels slick. I have very hard water so when I rinse and then dry I usually lose any slickness until I use S&W or a QD.

The polish lok - it`s hard to describe. You buff it on, and leave it. That`s it no off (and it is supposed to work with any polymer not just duragloss). The bottle says it will remove old product and work with your sealant to make it bond to the finish better. I used a meg`s yellow pad @ 4 and applied it to the whole car. No muss and no fuss. Just on....

The instructions were brief and didn`t say if I should let it haze before I put on the DG so I waited a few minutes then did just that.

Meg`s tan soft buff @ 3 and slapped on a coat of DG. It has a minty smell and goes one smooth and thin. I think I only applied product to the pad three times to do the whole car - it just kept going!

I waited 30 minutes then removes with a MF polishing cloth - that`s it. I pulled it outside and did the rims (buffalo milk) and tires (Natural look this time)..

I must say I am impressed - but see for yourself -

yeah I know - the wheel wells - oy! I forgot em


let me know what you think - BTW the Polish Lok, Car wash, FCS came to 14 bucks total and the duragloss is 6.95 - a little over 20 bucks not a bad deal for these results!

08-16-2004, 05:45 PM
Sure looks good! :bigups

Keep us posted on how it stands up!

08-16-2004, 05:49 PM
I`m never any good at that boss - nothing ever lasts on my car :) - any product I use only last a week or two cuz I use another product or combo :lol

08-16-2004, 05:50 PM
OK......... top it with EX-P! :lmfao

08-16-2004, 05:54 PM
UPP or EX or WG or FMJ - no EX-P yet :lol

08-16-2004, 06:03 PM
:D I have a sample of EX-P If you want. Btw did you ever get that mystery package? I have to testify that Groe changes his look probably every 4 days or so. What else can you find at CarQuest? Been wondering if I should look one day. I`ve found quite a few retail stuff now, but nothing worthwhile to buy.

08-16-2004, 06:05 PM
Send it to him Woob.............. he`s dying to put something else on that paint! :D

After all, its been a week! :lmfao

08-16-2004, 06:06 PM
Woob lives near me he knows the way :lol - but he can`t come over till he washes his car :lol

they carry meg`s some like show car glaze and yellow wax and looks like the complete 3m line - duragloss and a few others - it was just on the way home from work - ;)

08-16-2004, 06:11 PM
:LOLOL Well I believe I have time this week, got some details lined up. 3M Interests me, but I dunno if I`m going to beyond the Medium polishes for now. I have some Eiszett samples if you wanna try those! I`m def gonna wash all my cars :( this week after I get everything sorted through. Groe PM me when you get your secret package! :)

08-16-2004, 07:49 PM
Looking good Groe.

08-16-2004, 10:54 PM
Looking good. Polish lok sounds like Zaino Z1.


08-16-2004, 11:14 PM
Yeah - I`ve heard duragloss is a lot like zaino??