View Full Version : Oily sap spot removal?

05-23-2003, 11:13 AM
I found a spot of sap on my hood that removed pretty easily with a light finger-nail push, but it left behind a pretty bad stain.

I have a white car, so the spot looks like a wet water drop on a sheet of paper. There isn`t anything else on the surface, it`s all in the clear-coat i`m guessing. I tried clay-bar to make sure i didn`t have anything else in it. Then Meg`s Deep Crystal Cleaner and then the Polish. didn`t help a thing.

The size is slightly smaller than a pencil eraser, so it`s not like i`ll obsess TOO much (even though i know i will), but when washing it just bugged me.

Any suggestions? I was thinking Tarminator, but since the actual sap is already gone, is that going to help any?

Thanks guys


05-23-2003, 02:17 PM
For now try rubbing some more DC Cleaner on it to see if you can polish it out. Otherwise you might have to use something stronger like Scratch-X or something... Good luck.

05-23-2003, 06:52 PM
Well i bought some PIII and some #7 and that helped a lot. Still noticeable if you`re paying attention, but it seems to have faded. Ran out of time to keep on it, but it`s good enough for a cruise around town tonight.

Thanks for the suggestion of the Scratch-X. If it bothers me in the future i`ll definately consider that.
