View Full Version : Pollen!!!

05-20-2003, 12:02 AM
Hi everyone. I have a 2000 black Honda. I just washed it and Z5`d it this morning, and finished with two applications of Z16. Literally within 2 minutes of standing still it was covered in a good layor of pollen. Everytime I use my Cali-duster it just re-covered within 1-2 minutes. Am I just screwed until the end of pollen season, or is there something I can do to reduce the pollen pickup? BTW I live in the eastern panhandle of West Virginia, just to give everyone an idea on the pollen level.

05-20-2003, 12:08 AM
I feel your pain. I am so glad my car is white and I cant see the pollen on it. There really isn`t anything you can do but wait. Its a plague. Its like trying to keep your car dry in a rain storm. The only thing you can do is park it inside a garage and hope that helps. The good news is that everybody else will be covered with it too so people probably won`t say anything to you.

05-20-2003, 12:20 AM
Move to the desert or live with it. Not really any other options. It is real bad in north Texas for the last week of March and first couple weeks of April. Damn oak trees.

05-20-2003, 12:31 AM
Darn. Well I love it here in WV. I live up in the northern part, far away from some of the stereotypical WVians, but nice and close to D.C.. Really pretty with lots of trees and lots of pollen lol. I normally didn`t notice the pollen build-up before because I didn`t wash my car much due to my dissapointment in over-the-counter carnuba waxes. But now that I discovered Zaino, I can wash my car bi-weekly and not have to re wax that car again. How long do we have left of pollen season?

05-20-2003, 06:31 AM
Boy do I feel your pain! My home is surrounded by oaks, elms and birch trees and I don`t have a garage (yet) for my truck. Between sap and pollen I could spend my entire day cleaning it and still not keep up.

Like brdman said, just got to deal with it for a few more weeks. :(