View Full Version : Need help on bird Pooo problem!

05-19-2003, 10:18 AM
well i had washed my car and waxed it the other day but i was only able to put on one coat of polish and one coat of wax of the meguiars stuff untill i get my zaino items:( any way i had my car parked inmy driveway and wheni came out i had 3 areas that had bird poo

the driver side piller ,the sunroof and the rear trunk lid ,any way i didnt have time to take it off right away ..

well yesterday when i did go to take it off the bird poo and when i did it the bird dropings looks to have stained my paint

what can i do to take this off ?

if you need pics, i can show you what i mean ..the stain is small about the size of a penny or smaller , but it feels bad know its there now. :sosad :angry

05-19-2003, 09:46 PM
This question gets asked at least once a week, and there are probably a hundred threads answering the question. So ... maybe that`s the reason nobody has had the energy to answer this one in the past 12 hours.

First, read DavidB`s Bird Bombs (http://www.autopia.ws/articles.php?articleId=16) article. Then go to the search engine and enter "bird" in the keyword field. There you`ll probably find just about every pearl of wisdom that any Autopian has ever offered on the subject.

Sorry if I`m sounding snitty. I really don`t mean to. But really this one is pretty straightforward, and there are some great info bits on Autopia.

Once you`ve done some reading, if you still have questions or need clarifications/refinements, let us know. :up

05-20-2003, 12:44 PM
no problem sorry didnt know this came up so much

but you did make a funny

"dont mean to sound ````y" ....lol:xyxthumbs