View Full Version : 303 on interior... faded spots where dash has been touched?

05-16-2003, 09:29 PM
after dusting and cleaning my dash I apply 303 with a terry applicator and then buff with a MF towel.... It always looks great when I finish!! However, after a day or two I notice anywhere the dash or doors have been touched, the nice satin finish is gone?

Is this normal of 303? or am I doing something wrong??? :(

I really love the non-shiney finish it gives on my newer german dashes... I just don`t like the dull spots everywhere I touch!

05-16-2003, 09:37 PM
It is because as you touch those areas your hands are carrying away some of the dressing.

I`ve not really noticed it with 303 but my interior is a light color.

MBZ 500E
05-16-2003, 10:35 PM
I noticed the exact same thing with the Meguiars Vinyl and Rubber after one week. I hate it, my eyes seem to draw to it so I have to redo everything.:nixweiss

05-16-2003, 10:53 PM
I used to use vinylex in my mustang and didnt have this problem.... but the lexol stuff is way too shiney for the VW/Audi dashes :(

05-17-2003, 01:56 AM
I have this problem as well, usually on my glove box area where I have to use my fingers to close it :(. It`s not as bad as Lexol Vinylex was though.

05-17-2003, 10:48 AM
I have the same problem with my black interior. It only takes a day or two and I have to redo it. Is there no way to prevent this?

Tim Lingor
05-17-2003, 12:28 PM
I agree with Intel; your fingers are absorbing the dressing.

I have had the least problems with the Meguiar`s #40. My favourite used to be 303, but lately, I find that I am liking the Meg`s dressing more and more.

Perhaps for some of you that are really having problems with this on your particular car, maybe a gel type of dressing would be better. I think EO has a fairly decent one.

Moreover, perhaps try cleaning the dash with a vinyl cleaner first before laying down the dressing. Maybe there is something on the dash already that the dressing will not adhere to. :nixweiss

Nick T.
05-17-2003, 12:56 PM
Vinyl is just plastic, and as such it does not need feeding, conditioning, etc., nor does it need to breathe! However, it does need UV protection - and IMO your window glass does a pretty good job at this.

Give this a try: just wipe with a MF towel slightly dampened with either water or 303AP. Your fingers may not be as oily as french-fries, but they are oily - expect finger smudges.

05-17-2003, 01:55 PM
I think I`m going to switch back to 1z cockpit premium... It has a totally matte finish like my dash originally came with, smells better and didnt leave spots/uneven places like this. Its supposed to provide UV protection and repels dust as well (303 kinda sucked at that)

oh well! I can give the 303 to the BF`s dad for his 66 vette or something.

guess I need to order more 1z.... my bottle is almost empty!