View Full Version : Synthetic/Polymer rant found on other forum... thoughts?

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05-16-2003, 11:39 AM
heres the link

rant (http://forums.audiworld.com/s4/msgs/1190036.phtml)

but I`ll copy and paste it here as well

Why don`t you do yourself a favor and talk to a body shop about silica and/or polymer based "wax" before you put it on your car.

Wax is not just to make the paint shine, it is to feed the paint with the necessary amount of moisture and prevent contamination of the paint through penetration of the pores.

Most body shops will tell you to stay the hell away from polymer and silica based polishes are "wax". It can make repaint hard to apply, and while it makes the car shine, does not feed the paint with the necessary components or protect it adequetly.

You can make a car shine like a ***** with Kerosene, but it doesn`t protect the paint!


I had a huge arguement with Sal Zaino, in which he stated his products caused no issues w/repainting

period. He wrote me an e-mail stating this, after I posted my info from a glasurit rep a few years ago. Sounds like he changed his tune! Gee, I wonder why? Maybe he did some research. Talked to a body shop. Or had complaints. I don`t know, but I do know he has changed his story based on what you say.

Zaino is polymer based, period. So my statment has a lot to do with Zaino.

You want to believe a biased employee, dsitributor or owner of a business over the paint companies on which the product is applied?

If audi told you not to use 20W-50 and Valvoline told you it was ok, who would you believe? Audi who wants to make sure their product and good name lasts and has nothing to gain or Valvoline who is trying to sell you a product and doesn`t know your car like the manufacturer?

Come on. Why don`t you just call a few top level body shops or PPG, Sikkens or Gasurit`s USA distributors.

As for paint prep, sure, Zaino and similair products can be removed. But it`s not easy to get polymers that cling "as advertised" out of seams and edges, and off in entirety. When you take the time to call a body shop and not just believe the manufacturer of the product at hand, ask them about Armor-All or any other silicone based product (Zaino!) and how they hate and fight with it daily. The running joke at body shops is they have to keep woemn with fake breasts out. That`s how much they despise silicone based products.

Please, please find one body shop that recommends Zaino over carnuba. Try to find a single paint company that recommends it. If you can find one, you should buy a lottery ticket, as you are the luckiest man on Earth.

Does the fact that you have never heard of problems with Zaino and similair products mean that there is no problem? Do you think Zaino`d tell you? That is a pretty weak arguement. You are essentially saying "I`ve never heard of any problems so I won`t believe you." Are you the end all of end all`s? I am not, that`s why I quoted and refered to statements from INDEPENDENT people and groups, not from the manufacturer of the product.

And your statement that collectors use Zaino and it has a large following means nothing. People use all different products. Does the HP developing "Tornado" intake fan ring a bell? Or the Rocky Mountain Radar Jammer? How about the fuel line magnet that improves milage. Do you put Duralube in your S4? Tons of people swear by that too, but most oil and car manufacturers will tell you to keep it the hell out of your motor. Do you have an S-Flo? People swear by that too, but tests say it does nothing?

You asked for evidence that Zaino is not as good a product as carnuba. All I can do is tell you my conversations and experience. I believe the people I talk to and understand the problems (have painted more than my share of race and kit cars and had enough silicone fish eyes in my paint at times, POST SERIOUS PREP WORK with top level pre-paint prep solutions, to know my for myself).

What do you want, a letter from a paint company? If you want that, get it yourself. I know the answer and what is right, and I have told you how to get the appropriate and UNBIASED answer time and again through multiple posts.

I could care less what you buy and use. Zaino, New Finish, Turtle Wax, Kerosene, ect. It`s your car. But people with far more paint knowledge than you and I combined wouldn`t touch it with a 10 ft pole and paint companies don`t recommend it. Why do you fight this? Why do you care so much? Did you just drop some serious coin on some Zaino products? Sounds like bitter lemons to me.

I only posted this as I was warned by my friends and associates, people I trust and know are far more knowledgable than I am, and I figured I`d pass along my info to the people who might want to avoid what I and many others believe is not the best thing to put on your paint. Take it or leave it, it means nothing to me.

Mike S

Now I can understand about the repainting part... and why paint companies would not recomend it because of just that problem.... But do synthetics (polymer based, acrylic based, silica based etc) really `not feed the paint` or keep it moisturized?

I live in the new mexico desert and have no garage... my car is catching rays from the time the sun comes up till it goes down in the evening. I`ve used nothing but zaino on it since I bought it new Dec 01.

So is there any truth to this? Or have the newer synthetics overcome this? Do you really need to `feed` paint and moistureize it even?

I was thinking of swapping to a new cleaning regime since I`m getting a new (and expensive) car... and was eyeballing the Liquid Souveran kit on CMA. I don`t need the absolute best shine out there... but I do want the paint properlly taken care of and to last.... I generally wax at the beginning of each season (3 to 4 times a year)

05-16-2003, 12:05 PM
It`s hard to agree with someone who thinks that people wax their cars with sand (silica).

I read the whole thread, which is based on faulty logic (and I`m being kind).

The logic goes something like this:

silicone is bad.

silicone is a polymer.

Zaino is a polymer.

Therefore Zaino is bad.

However, Zaino contains no silicone. End of rant.

jr weeks
05-16-2003, 12:33 PM
A polymer such as Zaino is much closer in chemistry to paint/urethane enamel itself, than any natural wax product. That is a fact.

Most of the store bought wax/polymer hybrids contain some silicone, and it`s no big thing for a professional body shop to remove the residues from paint. Prep-Sol and those type wax/grease removers long ago eliminated fish-eye problems.

I have painted my own cars, as well as had body shop insurance repairs on some, with MANY layers of Zaino on them, and never had a single problem with degreasing. Neither has my body shop.

I don`t know what agenda this person has, but he`s not correct.

05-16-2003, 12:39 PM
heheh I`ve heard a lot of bad stories about Zaino but never believed any of them. A friend of mine claims Zaino damaged his friends BMW M3 so bad that they had to get the whole car repainted.

05-16-2003, 12:54 PM
How did Zaino destroy your friend`s friend M3?

I can only see a few situations of this happening.

1. Using a scotch brite pad to apply the Z.

2. Let`s mix some Zaino with some caustic acid`s! yeah dude! (Dumb +Dumberer mocking voice of Harry.)

3. A glitch in the Matrix LOL!


05-16-2003, 01:11 PM
A friend of mine blames Zaino for some fairly extensive damage to his car. He drove to the post office to pick up his Zaino and ran into a fire hydrant on his way home.

05-16-2003, 01:19 PM
Good grief, one of the experts here should head over there and tell them about the different types of "silicone". :rolleyes:

The Armor All thing is getting weak too, because they stopped using "bad" silicones (migratory) a long time ago AFAIK.

A body shop (a mediocre one at that!) had no trouble repainting my roof which had 6 coats of Klasse plus wax topper on it.....

Lots of body shops suck anyway, and don`t know anything about detailing except the ancient rumors they heard passed on from their predecessors so they probably don`t know what a lot of these products are anyway. Besides, it`s "safer" for them to just suggest a normal wax by default to Joe Average.

Lots of waxes already blend silicones/polymers/whatever in with their carnauba to improve the wax`s performance anyway. You`ll have to be really selective and careful to avoid the extremely broad category of "synthetics". Good luck with that! :p

No, there`s no such thing as "feeding" "nourishing" or "moisturizing" paint. Do a search on this as it`s been :rolleyes: over many times before.

05-16-2003, 01:21 PM
Originally posted by Bruce

A friend of mine blames Zaino for some fairly extensive damage to his car. He drove to the post office to pick up his Zaino and ran into a fire hydrant on his way home. :LOLOL :lol

05-16-2003, 01:32 PM
Barry Meguiar scoffed at the idea of using liquid detergent to wash your car, which seems to me like an indirect hit to Zaino. He said that it strips away all the oils and nutrients(?) and what have you and accelerates the oxidation process.

I can`t really say anything about the sealants as I`ve never used them. But it`s interesting to hear the differences of opinion among detailing enthusiasts.

I dunno. I think when I`m ready for durability I`ll go with collinite first. :D

05-16-2003, 01:44 PM
Originally posted by Rave`nGTi

Why don`t you do yourself a favor and talk to a body shop about silica and/or polymer based "wax" before you put it on your car.

Most body shops will tell you to stay the hell away from polymer and silica based polishes are "wax". It can make repaint hard to apply, and while it makes the car shine, does not feed the paint with the necessary components or protect it adequetly.

Imagine his surprise when you go back to that amateur forum and tell him that 90% of body shop safe polishes (Meguiar`s SMR, DACP, 3M SMR, FCRC) including the ones his body-shop buddy uses contain silica. (I think he`s confusing silica with silicone)

Then you can also tell him that two very popular polysealants (KAIO and Zaino) are both body-shop safe and can be applied on fresh paint....UNLIKE carnauba waxes which are loaded with silicones.

05-16-2003, 02:38 PM
I don`t think you will ever find someone on this site that would say that they don`t need the abosolute best shine out there. If you feel this way,why bother

05-16-2003, 02:40 PM
"I don`t need the absolute best shine out there"

05-16-2003, 03:08 PM
When I said that... I`m talking stuff like comparing zymol to pinnacle to blitz to P21s to zaino to blackfire to PUP to klasse to a combo of any of the above. If blitz shines marginally better than P21s but the P21s lasts longer or protects better then I`ll take the P21s

Thanks for all the replies guys! I figured it was a bunch of hooey anyways ;)

05-16-2003, 03:16 PM
Going over there and arguin with the guy isn`t going to do anything but frustrate the hell out of you. He thinks he knows it all, and you`re not going to be able to teach him otherwise. I personally just feel bad for Sal, I mean come on, why contact and attack someone about their product. If you don`t care for it, dont use it. How immature and unprofessional is that?

That would be like us all charging Turtle Wax`s corporate headquarters with buring torches :eek:

imported_Mobile detail
05-17-2003, 04:19 PM
You know it`s funny how he talked to all these body shops and has all this info...but I can tell you for a fact, and many of you already know this. When the car comes into a body shop it is given a quick wipe down (of the damaged area) with prep-sol, then the area is prepped, cleaned again with prep-sol, primered, cleaned once more with prep-sol, and then painted.

Also, if the wax/sealant wasn`t taken out of every little area, then the paint wouldn`t stick in those areas too, even if a silica/silicone/polymer/etc wax was used. Even though I only know a fraction about detailing vehicles compared to most of the people on here, I do know that this guy obviously doesn`t really know what he`s talking about. I`m with "GoodnClean" on the fact that if this guy doesn`t like Zaino that much, then he shouldn`t buy it, not go online and destroy everybody elses opinions who haven`t used Zaino. I haven`t used it, but the next time I have to get sealants, I will pick some Zaino up cause I`ve seen what it can do, and trust the people on here.