View Full Version : Quick Detailing Question

05-16-2003, 06:01 AM
I`ve always just waxed my cars until visiting this website. Last week I cleaned my car with dish washing soap to remove all wax and then polished and waxed my car to a more brilliant shine than I have ever seen!! :bounce

My question is as follows:

Now that my car is polished and waxed how do I continue? Can I place a layer of polish on top and then wax again without starting from scratch (using dish soap) or is it ok to layer over the first coat .... I`m sure that there is a better way to word this but you guys will hopefully understand what I`m asking.

Thanks in advance for your anticipated responses.

Green Monster
05-16-2003, 06:28 AM
Do a search on layering and you should fine some info on what you can layer and not.

Now that you are all polished and waxed I would say just put another coat of wax once a month to mantain that shine and protection. Layering waxes all depends on what wax you used. Some waxes have cleaners in them that will remove the coat wax already on there, plus a polish you can`t layer because in cleans off whatever is under it.

You should really only do Dawn(dish soap) wash and polishing job 1-2 times a year. Good luck and have fun.

Welcome aboard!!!!! :wavey

05-16-2003, 01:17 PM
What products are you using, maybe we can help you if we are familiar with what your using.....Normally speaking, waxes (Carnauba based), every 4-6 weeks....Polish and wax quarterly....Strip(Dawn if you like) and full detail twice yearly....Polymer 2-3 times a year.....

What QD do you prefer, that way we know if it contains Carnauba.....Some (BF II) has polymer...Others, no Carnauba, yet other do have Carnauba....

05-17-2003, 12:13 AM
From this point on, you are better off using a polish or glaze to remover wax if you want to strip it. Much better for your paint than Dawn and it will remove or fill any minor paint imperfections since your last deep cleaning.

If you are using a carnuba wax, then you should probably rewax every 6-8 weeks or so and use a glaze every other time you wax. About every six months, use a swirl remover and glaze prior to waxing and once a year, if needed, use a stronger paint cleaner prior to a swirl remover/glaze/wax. Clay as needed, but if you keep your car polished and waxed, you shouldn`t have to clay more than once or twice a year.

Wash your car whenever it is dirty, or once a week if the weather is dry. Using a quick detail product after you wash your car will make it look freshly waxed.