View Full Version : Reaching the center of the roof

05-11-2003, 10:03 PM
I discovered a pretty good way to reach the center of my roof for buffing and such - a Black and Decker Workmate. With legs out it provides a good platform for standing and is very stable with the small legs extended. I weigh 230 lbs and it held me just fine and allowed me to fully face the roof while I was working.

Here are some cautions and potential problems.

Make sure the legs are fully extended. I you leave them in and let it sit on just the base (the little stubby legs) the edges extend over the base and causes it to be unstable.

Don`t get too close. Leave a distance of just under your shoe length. When I was closer I discovered the toes of my shoes rubbed against the side of the car. You might also want to drape a thick towel over the edge of the platform just as an added precaution.

Be careful getting up and down. It`s quite a step from the little step to the platform. Related to this, you should keep all you stuff that you will need close by. I used the top of a small step ladder. The step ladder also gave me something to hold on to when getting on and off the platform.

Is anyone else doing this. If not, do you have another way that might be better?

05-11-2003, 10:44 PM
I just use a stepladder, but I think this is the best way:

05-11-2003, 10:48 PM
Originally posted by 4DSC

I just use a stepladder, but I think this is the best way:

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH That is too funny. I can actually picture a few of the guys on this board rigging something like that up in their garages tomorrow.

05-12-2003, 12:23 AM
LMAO Brian !!