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Tim Lingor
05-11-2003, 01:18 AM
Yahoo!! I finally talked my wife into getting rid of the "Soccer Mom Mobile!!" I hate mini vans!! That plus the fact that we do not have kids yet! So now, we just bought a brand new 2003 Toyota Corolla Sport!! I wanted the color to be silver, mostly because of the cars I have seen detailed on Autopia!

So today was the first detailing/polish/wax of the virgin paint! I first clayed with the Mother`s combo. There was a fair amount of contaminents on the brand new car!! I would not have believed it!! Once it was smooooooooth, I applied S100 SEC, then #7, then #20( I love my #20!!) and topped it with S100 Paste Wax.

What a shine!! I am totally amazed at the reflectivity of a silver car! I believe that the polymer and S100 combo is right for this color of silver.

What do you think??



05-11-2003, 01:37 AM
nice, clean car.

i hate the reflective quality of my celica. (liquid silver) i want a black car :)

could you give a more detailed approach to your detail? congrats on the new car BTW

Tim Lingor
05-11-2003, 02:02 AM
Thanks!! :)

I also own the dark green Ford truck in the background of the pic; trust me, dark colors though very warm with tremendous depth, are a PAIN to take care of. Black shows everything!! Hence the reason I wanted silver this time!:up

I first washed the car with Meg`s #62(?) soap, I followed with the Mother`s Claybar and Showtime QD for the lube. I rubbed the claybar in back in forth motions until I could no longer feel or hear anymore grit on the surface of the paint. To me, this was one of the most important steps.

I followed the claying with S100 SEC on a Meg`s foam hand applicator pad. The car`s paint did not warrant the use of the PC, so I did every step by hand this time. Again, using side to side motions in the direction of wind travel, I applied the S100 SEC and worked it into the paint. All product removal is done with MF towels.

I then did the same with the Meg #7, and Meg #20. I then topped it all off with the S100 paste wax!!

To me, the finish is beautiful! Sure it does not have the depth and warmth of the dark colors but it will not also show every little mark in the future either. Trust me, I love my truck`s color, but it is really labor intensive to keep it up to Autopian`s standards!!

I hope this helps!

Take care,


05-11-2003, 07:57 AM
very nice car how is the ride I have heard mixed feelings about those cars.But hey it is a sharp car, good job on poppin the cherry on the paint.Looks good

05-11-2003, 08:14 AM
Originally posted by glass_image

nice, clean car.

i hate the reflective quality of my celica. (liquid silver) i want a black car :)

could you give a more detailed approach to your detail? congrats on the new car BTW

I also have a liquid silver Celica and love it. Light color cars are so forgiving when it comes to imperfections. The only way you`ll see my swirls is when I`m under fluorescence at the gas station at night and you have to look pretty hard then. Check out newcelica.org if you haven`t already.

05-11-2003, 08:37 AM
Great work! :up Who says you need a black car to see it shine?

Not to steal your post but... I know how you feel about silver!


05-11-2003, 10:13 AM
Jonw-440, great shine on that truck!, and Congrat Tim on the new Corolla! that finish looks fantastic! nice work, i cant wait to try S100 SEC, then #7, then S100 PW, i think for the pre winter detail, ill add #20 like you did.

05-11-2003, 10:23 AM
Originally posted by 2hotford

( I love my #20!!)

Despite a negative review in the review section that i find to be slightly "off", #20 is a great product with excellent durability. And, yes, it looks great topped with S100.

05-11-2003, 01:10 PM
Originally posted by HilfigerCelica

I also have a liquid silver Celica and love it. Light color cars are so forgiving when it comes to imperfections. The only way you`ll see my swirls is when I`m under fluorescence at the gas station at night and you have to look pretty hard then. Check out newcelica.org if you haven`t already.

I TOO also have a liquid silver 7th gen. Although my car does look as reflective as a black car it does hide imperfections rather well and it also looks clean for a longer period of time. That is the primary reason I went with a silver color over the red :) Now there is a lot of us Celica owners on this board now :up I would also have to go along with his suggestion to check out www.newcelica.org

Tim Lingor
05-11-2003, 01:31 PM
Originally posted by fisher

very nice car how is the ride I have heard mixed feelings about those cars.But hey it is a sharp car, good job on poppin the cherry on the paint.Looks good

It is an awesome car!! I have absolutely NO complaints!!:up The power is excellent for a 4 banger, the tranny is smooth and the steering is precise. These mags that complain about power are obviously sponsor controlled! Test drive one, I think that you will agree with what I am saying. It is no V10 like my truck, but will haul butt with the best of them and at 49 miles/Imperial gallon (highway) I am not going to complain!:xyxthumbs

Thanks everyone about the kind comments! The light colors are awesome for hiding imperfections! :)

05-11-2003, 02:19 PM
Congrats on the Silver Corolla and welcome to the Silver Corolla family! :D

Your car looks absolutely stunning!

05-11-2003, 03:48 PM
good to hear that you like it!!!put up some more pictures when you give her or him a top to bottom shine!My car is a 4 banger too lots of power.Dont need sometihng with a V6 when you get gas mileage like that!good luck on the new car.

Tim Lingor
05-11-2003, 09:37 PM
Thanks! I am really happy with this car. I now have 450 miles on her already. I just filled her with gas; I am getting 34 mpg around town and it has not even broken in yet!! A far cry from my V10`s @ 10-11 mpg!! :scared

Here are a couple more pics after the first detailing job! I will attempt to post multiple pics. I hope this works! :nixweiss

Tim Lingor
05-11-2003, 09:39 PM
Darn it! I still can not get the multiple pics to post!!:angry Anyone know how to do this? Could you please send me a PM??:bow

Here is another

Tim Lingor
05-11-2003, 09:41 PM
Last one...I promise!:o Well, at least until the next detail!:D