View Full Version : junk yard parts for practice

05-11-2003, 01:10 AM
someone posted a suggestion to practice detailing on junkyard parts such as hoods, fenders, etc.

i was wondering how i can find a junkyard close to my home and how much i should expect to pay for a hood, fender, etc.

05-11-2003, 04:54 AM
Check the yellow pages, under junkyards, used autoparts, scrap metal. As for the cost, it varies from yard to yard.

You may also want to try asking a body shop for old panels.


05-11-2003, 07:16 AM
Basically, the advice to practice on scrap hoods, fenders, etc. usually would refer to, when you want to move up from a random orbital to a rotary. A rotary is something you don`t want to use on your car or anybody`s car on your first try.

05-11-2003, 09:15 AM
You would only need practice if you`re using a rotary. The PC we mostly use here is idiot proof. You`d have to be completely off your rocker to cause any damage with a PC. As long as you use the right pad and product and allow them to do the work, you`ll be fine.

05-11-2003, 03:51 PM
i know but i want a black hood so i can test out various products on it, and try to make it `swirl-free`

05-11-2003, 10:10 PM
Hmm, it`s funny you`re posting this up because I was playing with the idea of getting a black trunklid or something myself. Unless it`s the hood off of a minivan I don`t think I`d want a hood since I`d have no way of getting it home. Like you say, it`d just be for swirl-assessment and product testing and maybe durability testing too....

I`m hoping that I can find one that`s crunched somehow that makes it useless to them, but still in good enough shape to test on. (ie, free :D)