View Full Version : Just Dang

05-08-2003, 07:59 PM
Would you know that my heater core went out and leaked a great deal of stinky radiator fluid on the carpet inside my Rodeo. I do not have an extracrot yet,but I need to clean this up right now. It just seems to have have soaked the carpet. I have vac. with a Ridgid, but it isn`t coming out like I thought it would. I keep soaking towels on it. I`ve soiled quite a few. Any suggestions until I get an extractor?

05-08-2003, 09:18 PM
I`d say that qualifies as a Just Dang. Yeah thats what id do with my vac...just keep flushing it then sucking it up.

MBZ 500E
05-08-2003, 10:17 PM
On some vehicles the factory carpeting can be removed easily, I`m not sure if yours can but it`s worth checking.

Good luck getting that out......what a PITA.:(

05-08-2003, 10:17 PM
I always just pull the carpet up (not completly, but I pull it up around the edges and fold it back) to allow it to air-dry from the top and bottom. I leave the windows down too.

05-12-2003, 06:44 PM
I took the front carpet part up. Wow, it was dirty!! I saturated it with cleaner and hosed it down. I had to run so I left it to dry, but tomorrow I will hit it with the washer and let it dry. I do not think the padding will make it, though. How about Isuzu wanted to charge me for $ 198. Whatever.

05-15-2003, 09:52 PM
I did take your advice to take the carpet out of my Rodeo. Not hard at all. I think I soaked it a little much when I pressured it, but I vac. it then hung it up. While it hung up I used the power air blower to push the water out. Needless to say my carpet looks great. Oh, I used Simple Green to clean out the radiator fluid. The fibers dried nice and soft. Smells great. I am going to spray some stain guard on it before I reinstall it just to make sure that it stays nice and clean. Thanks again.