View Full Version : How to tell when S100 is worn off?

05-07-2003, 09:09 AM
I have a 1996 Nissan Maxima. The paint is horribly chipped and swirled. Last summer I threw on about 2 coats of Zaino and that was all the waxing I did to it until this past April. Previous to last summer I used to wax it monthly and used a paint cleaner and polishe every few months. In mid April I decided to clean the car up a bit. I did a dawn wash and did some minor claying - there wasn`t much embedded debris to pick up. I then applied P21S Paint Cleaner with my PC. I then applied 1 coat of S100 Wax. The following weekend I added a 2nd coat of S100 Wax - that being about 18 days ago.

Last night I was doing a quick detail. I dipped a MF in water and then sprayed the MF with QD and the car with QD. When I started to dry the car, the dry MF did not glide across the paint as I expected it to. It felt as if there was no wax on it at all. When I QD my Integra, which has Zaino on it, the MF glides across the paint.

Shouldn`t it be pretty easy to dry off paint that has a coat of wax on it? Should the Zaino`d paint feel so much smoother than S100`d paint? Perhaps my clearcoat is worn so bad that it is causing these "problems".

I also notice that the Maxima does not form round shaped water beads when wet. Is this a sign of worn out wax?

05-07-2003, 09:19 AM
Normally when Qd`ing becomes a "difficult" task it is time to re-wax. Why did you moisten the MF prior to QD`ing? What QD were you using?

If in doubt and you are using P21S wax just apply another coat ( clean surface of course). This task is as easy as QD`ing. :cool:

05-07-2003, 09:51 AM
Originally posted by blkZ28Conv

Why did you moisten the MF prior to QD`ing? What QD were you using?

It was a suggested method in David`s Detailing Guide. I was using Meguiar`s FI, maybe that was the problem? I was planning on rewaxing the car this coming weekend. The S100 is just SO easy to apply. I love it!


05-07-2003, 10:48 AM
I am not sure what the intent of David`s suggestion was, but when it comes to QD`ing, a Meguiars` rep told me to use a dry wipe, and just a fine mist of detail spray. This is what I do and it works very well.

it is true that QD will wipe off/dry faster/easier on a freshly waxed surface, and Zaino is widely known for its "slickness".

05-07-2003, 11:40 AM
DavidB`s method allows for more even distribution of product and also uses much less product than spraying directly on the surface and wiping with a dry towel.

05-07-2003, 01:02 PM
As I recall, DavidB`s method involved using a wet MF towel, NO QD, and wiping the car down, applying QD spray later. I don`t think I`ve heard of others doing this... :nixweiss

I`ve been trying to figure out the "when wax is gone" thing on a test van myself, and I pretty much decided that if the paint was feeling much less slick to the touch (dry, clean paint/hands) and the beading was getting flatter, more resistant to rolling off, and and irregular, it`s time to re-wax. That`s my more recently decided method.

EDIT: I just checked DavidB`s method, and the above is correct except the QD is applied with a damp MF as a 2nd step. Like Carguy I just use dry MFs.

05-07-2003, 02:11 PM
I usually just use a dry MF towel to QD, but decided to try this method. It works fine and probably worked better on my car due to the fact that there is very little slickness.

I guess the question of "when is my wax worn off" is one of those questions that has no definite answers. I know there have been a few threads recently dealing with the S100 longevity issue. I myself am quite surprised that the S100 doesn`t bead like other waxes I`ve used (Zaino, Klasse, Meguiars Gold Class). Perhaps it`s due to the different ingredients in the S100?

05-07-2003, 02:33 PM
I think all quality carnaub`as will last at least at least 4 weeks. If not, maybe wax is being stripped. Could be too much car wash is being used. Try experimenting with a little less wash or try a different car wash all together.

I also found that most quality carnauba`s start to to decline after four weeks so a re-application every 4 weeks is a good interval. The autopian wax interval poll also confirms this.

05-07-2003, 02:43 PM
Originally posted by rd_volvo

I think all quality carnaub`as will last at least at least 4 weeks. If not, maybe wax is being stripped. Could be too much car wash is being used. Try experimenting with a little less wash or try a different car wash all together.

I also found that most quality carnauba`s start to to decline after four weeks so a re-application every 4 weeks is a good interval. The autopian wax interval poll also confirms this.

I use Meguiars Gold Class Wash and I probably do use too much of it! I never measure or guage my soap usage when washing my Nissan. I`ll try using less soap after my next wax and try to see if it does make a difference.

Thanks for the suggestion.