View Full Version : Good stuff to prep with Zaino

05-06-2003, 04:28 AM
I know Zaino needs a really good well prepped surface for the product to lock on to the surface. I know before getting the Zaino on a process of Dawn is needed. After the process i would usually go with claying before going thru the whole process. My car has good amounts of swirls and some light and heavy scratches. What are some good products to use for that? before zaino

05-06-2003, 04:47 AM

Depending on how bad they are, you can start with Meguiars #9 ver2.0 Swirl Remover OR 3M SMR (Swirl Mark Remover)

I`ve used both with a DA polisher (PC) or Meguiars (same unit) and a foam polish pad.

Just let the polish do it`s work and clean up with some Meguiars Final Inspection in between each time you polish until your satisfied. Follow up with your Zaino Z5, which masks light swirls.

Once all swirls are gone, finish up with Z2 if clearcoated or Z3 if non-clearcoat. Follow Zaino instructions, if using ZFX with Z5 and Z2/Z3 you will not have to wait 24 hours between coats, again follow Zaino`s instructions and tips found on the website.

You may want to view this site for more information on how to remove swirls.

Classic Motoring (http://properautocare.com/)

See the problem solving area, this will give you some good information on how and what to expect on removal.

Take your time, do not rush this process!

Let us know how you are doing!

