View Full Version : clay bar questions (yes im new )

05-05-2003, 12:13 PM
ok sorry if this question comes up many times but im looking to learn

1st question what are some of the best clay bars out

from what i have read

mothers ,zaino and clay magic are good ones ,correct?

2.i have seen some post state mild clay bars.

are there different types ? if so what types?

3.how do i use one exactly?

i have read the instructions on some of teh boxes but dont understand what they mean exactly.

when you fold the clay bar do you fold it big ,small ...im lost

4.how long is it good for (estimate)


soirry for teh newbie questions but i really want to learn to use this the right way .


05-05-2003, 12:29 PM
Clay magic makes a red and blue clay bar. The red is more aggressive. If you choose CM, you will want to use the blue bar.

To use, just spray your quick detailer spray on the surface and rub the clay bar across in a back and forth motion. You will be able to feel and hear when the contaminates are pulled up.

I kneed my clay into a flat circle or oval shape. The shape really doesn`t matter, just re-fold often. The useful life of the clay will depend on the size of the bar and level of contamination on the vehicle. Just follow the manufactures recommendations and you will be fine.

05-05-2003, 01:35 PM
1st question what are some of the best clay bars out

from what i have read

mothers ,zaino and clay magic are good ones ,correct?

I`ve used mother`s and I like it. I`ve got claymagic right now and it`s alright.

05-05-2003, 02:12 PM
You`ll find that we can be much more helpful if you`ll first do a bit of reading. For starters, read DavidB`s Cleaning with Clay (http://www.autopia.org/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=8593) and AlBoston`s clay article (http://www.autopia.org/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=14212).

Then you can do a search on clay. It`ll turn up about a zillion threads. You can refine it by searching "clay + knead" or "clay + fold" to highlight threads on that topic.

Mother`s and the blue ClayMagic are both widely available and excellent products. Several of us now also use Autopia`s Glide, Block & Waffle kit (http://store.yahoo.com/autopia/glblwa.html).

4.how long is it good for (estimate)

I`ve never had a chance to find out. I love claying so much that I always use the bar long before it`s had a chance to degrade. If push came to shove -- if I was worried about it drying or something -- I`d go around the neighborhood claying strangers` cars. :D

05-05-2003, 03:53 PM
very very helpfull guys !

05-05-2003, 10:48 PM
hey, I`ve got a quick question.

I want to use a car-wash soap for lube rather than a QD. How much should I dilute it? Like how many oz`s of carwash/ 12ozwater bottle.

05-05-2003, 11:12 PM

so 1:16 ?