View Full Version : Questions on Detailing a silver car

05-03-2003, 06:37 AM
For my first proper detail I am going to use AG Super Resin Polish, AG Extra Gloss topped with Blitz.

I know with the SRP, that this is only supposed to be applied every 6 months or so. how often would I need to re-apply the Extra Gloss (sealent) and the Blitz?

I also have some 3M IHG, what polishes and waxes does this product work well with?

Also, if I want to try a different combination of products on my car, while the others are still on there, what should I use to remove the old products? I don`t want to use anything very abrasive on the car.

05-03-2003, 09:53 AM
IHG works great with everything. You will love it, except when youre buffing it off. :)

But, about your other questions, I personally have never used AutoGlym, assuming thats what you are talking about when you say AG? So I really cant help you out there. Maybe someone else will chime in with better advice. Also, did you try searching?

05-03-2003, 10:14 AM
:LOLOL Volvo guy, you really needed to get that one of your chest :D

Clare - Apply the Super Resin and then build up coats of Extra Gloss maybe once every week after a wash. 3 or 4 coats max and then apply the Blitz.

Or - do what myself and a few others do and simply use the Super Resin and go straight to Blitz.

Leave the multiple coats of Extra Gloss for your wheels where they need the most protection (and wont take as long either!).

Cant comment on IHG I`m afraid.

To remove the old products you might want to use plain dishwash instead of car shampoo and then a light polish with something like Meguiars #9 swirl remover.

05-03-2003, 10:53 AM
Clare - The IHG doesn`t really fit into your planned regimen. The SRP would clean it right off the finish. The SRP is a pretty strong cleaner. And yes, the SRP is, in my opinion, far better for what you`re doing than the IHG (I use them both).

The IHG would be best directly under Blitz, but as I said, I`m sure you`ll like the AG system better. Just make sure you have any swirls taken care of before using the SRP.

Otherwise, what NickATRvtec said :xyxthumbs . I guess I`d say try a few layers of the EG before the Blitz and see how you like it. Be sure to give it plenty of time to cure before buffing it off. Watch that you don`t get the Blitz on any black/rubber trim!

You`ll notice the beading change when the Blitz wears off. You`ll REALLY notice it change (as in stop) when the EG is gone. Keep re-topping with Blitz until you think you should do something more, then redo with the SRP/EG. BTW, I wouldn`t put much stock in the longevity times published by AG.

05-03-2003, 12:31 PM
I can`t actually see any swirls on my car - maybe they are just difficult to see because the car is Silver? The car is 18 months old.

05-03-2003, 12:43 PM
Silver does generally hide imperfections better, yes Clare.

Have a look under direct sunlight though, you will probably see some then.

(unless your car has miracle paint ;) )

05-03-2003, 02:19 PM
Silver (and other really light colours) are the direct opposite of black. They hide swirls and imperfections very well, but in the right conditions you can see them. Try looking at the sun`s reflection as suggested, or other sources of light when it`s dark. Those bright sodium lamps in gas stations, street lamps, parking lots, etc. are notorious for revealing swirls. Good luck.

05-03-2003, 03:15 PM
Clare- If you have to try REALLY hard to see any swirls, I wouldn`t worry about them. If they aren`t bad enough to bother you, then don`t bother with them. "Acceptable" covers a wide range with silver cars and it`s all about the car looking acceptable to YOU.

That is one of the great things about silver cars (and one of the reasons why most of my current cars are silver).

05-03-2003, 06:09 PM
I agree, silver has to be the perfect color for hiding paint imperfections. Both our new VW`s were Klassed when new and both `appear` to be perfect from all angles in or out of the sun.

05-03-2003, 06:45 PM
Why go looking for swirls? If you`re happy with the way the car looks, bully for you!:xyxthumbs

Now, I wish I couldn`t see swirls on my paint! :(

05-04-2003, 04:50 AM
Even in the sunlight today, I can`t see any swirls. I`m so glad I bought a silver car!!

05-04-2003, 05:08 AM
3 cheers for having silver cars! lol

05-04-2003, 07:49 AM
Originally posted by 2wheelsx2

Why go looking for swirls? If you`re happy with the way the car looks, bully for you!:xyxthumbs

Now, I wish I couldn`t see swirls on my paint! :(

I guess because we know that they HAVE to be there or do they?

05-04-2003, 07:54 AM
Hey, I just realized I have been promoted-is this a great place or what??:wavey :dance