View Full Version : safe stone dust removal ???

05-02-2003, 05:16 PM
what is the best way to remove concrete and stone dust from my BLACK car? i just washed and waxed my car last night and today i came home to find the guys came to reblack our driveway and they had to jackhammer out the old blacktop and concrete , and of course they did it with the garage doors opened. i really hate swirl marks and was already trying to remove them and now i am afraid to wash it. i also have to wait 2 days before i can drive on the driveway to wash it.any help is totaly appreciated. thank you

05-02-2003, 05:28 PM
I had a similar problem, but with rust sanded off of I beams. I would use a blower or just plain water to rinse. Here`s the thread about the rust dust: California Duster for rust dust? (http://www.autopia.org/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=11409&highlight=rust)

I`m sure you will get other suggestions, so keep an eye on this thread. Good luck.

05-02-2003, 05:30 PM
I guess it was a concrete road topped with asphalt. First you want to get the dust off as soon as possible because if the concrete dust gets damp then it will start to bond. Moisture from the overnight dew will start the bonding process. You should be able to wash the dust off if it has not started bonding and then use tar remover or WD40 to remove the asphalt.

good luck

05-03-2003, 11:50 PM
My suggestion is to use a blower or air hose to blow the mass of the dust off, then use a pretty strong stream of water to thoroughly rinse the car, wash it as normal, and then finally dry it as you normally would.


05-05-2003, 02:53 AM
I would hose it down with lots of water,

then wash with lots of soapy watre and the 2-bucket method




05-05-2003, 07:21 AM
When I have had the misfortune to get one of my vehicles really dirty, I quite often rinse well, wash gently with soap, rinse, then wash with a fresh soap solution, and rinse again before going to the drying stage.

Don`t worry about the stuff that didn`t come off in the first wash, the second will get it. Think of the first wash as almost a pre-soak to break some of the stuff loose. The second wash assures you that you didn`t leave something to mess up your paint when drying. From your description, even a third wash before drying might be worth the effort.
