View Full Version : Wax over Meguiar`s #51, Final Detail?

04-29-2003, 10:40 AM
Not long back, there was quite a bit of discussion about Meguiar`s Final Detail. One question that came up was whether or not waxing over the FD worked as well as waxing a surface that had not had FD applied.

That discussion kind of died without the issue ever being resolved.

Does anyone have some facts on whether or not waxing over Final Detail works OK, or does it prevent the wax from "bonding"?

Wax, not sealant. Specifically, S100.


11-01-2003, 10:41 AM
Good queston CharlesW,

Looks like this discussion didn`t last either.

I`d like to hear some input on this as I just ordered FD and am a S100 user.

11-01-2003, 12:20 PM
Thursday I applied Pinnacle Souveran over FD, no problem at all. The car looks great.


11-01-2003, 06:54 PM

I applied NBPW over a recent Qding with FD. However, before I applied the NBPW, I did a quick S & W............. seemed to work fine? :nixweiss

11-02-2003, 09:26 AM
While you might not want to put a sealant on top of Final Detail, I don`t see why an actual wax would be a problem. You can put wax on over anything. Final Detail certainly isn`t as oily as a lot of glazes, and wax can go over them just fine. Also, the solvents and such in wax might just remove the Final Detail anyway. I wouldn`t worry about it.

F150, what is NBPW? I`m guessing it`s something-something Paste Wax...

11-02-2003, 02:02 PM
FD will not last thru a wash. Therefore, if you clean ( normal full wash, S&W, QEW, etc) your vehicle, which I suggest prior to any application of a protectant, you should have no problems.

With that said I just applied a coat of Z2 over my hiberated Z28 which had a coat of FD. I wiped down with Z6 prior and applied with no problems. Cured over night and buffed this morning. No streaking, hazing and any detectable abnormalities.

If you have driven your car with FD it most likely has dissipated from exposure to the elements and very little is still left on your paint. The reason why we do not use a QD as a protectant. :nixweiss

Third, Mike might chime in, the solvents and lubricants (silicones) in FD are probably quite similiar to the one`s in a carnuaba based wax.


11-02-2003, 02:13 PM
Good point Edwin. I sort of thought maybe he meant wash, then FD, then wax. Yeah, I definitely wouldn`t use a wax after any QD if the car hadn`t been washed. It`s just too risky...

11-02-2003, 02:46 PM
Originally posted by Aurora40

F150, what is NBPW? I`m guessing it`s something-something Paste Wax...

Poorboy`s new pure carnauba!