View Full Version : 3M Finish Restorer

04-27-2003, 10:02 AM
Hi. I am newbie here. I would like to get feedback about this product.

I recently bought a used car. It has the usual swirls, however, I do not have any power tool to fix it with. The car is colored black. It is currently "shiny" black, but not "deep" and "wet-looking" black as I want it. The color under the trunk and door insides tell me that the car color is really deep black.

I would appreciate any other tips to restore the "real" color of my car. Thanks in advance.

04-27-2003, 12:36 PM
Hi esi, welcome to Autopia. :welcome

To get the most out of Autopia I suggest purchasing the eBook if you can. A new version is coming for subscribers too I believe. Also, make full use of the SEARCH engine. This tool can not only give you the info you want about Finish Restorer, but also give you general tips and techniques to get you started.

It sounds like your paint is oxidized or faded. From what I`ve heard of Finish Restorer, it might be enough to help with both the oxidation and swirls, but I haven`t used this myself. Threads by theveed might be helpful. Good luck!